Am/On Sat, 23 Aug 2008 12:05:52 -0500 schrieb/wrote Michael Lewis:

>Matthias Schmidt sez:
>>So yes, it gets more and more difficult t stick with PM.
>Can you not use the button at the bottom to switch to HTML view or view
>the message in a web browser. If neither of those work, than the email
>has crappy HTML code and it isn't PM's fault.

of course I can view html messages usually.

But replying to them is sometimes ... let's say uncomfortable, because I
have to mark the text.
The other point is, that some messages just contain in the text part
something, like "the service ... requires html in the moment".

Regarding the database, weather people prefer monolithic databases or
not, it doesn't matter. The current backup technology doesn't prefer
this structure.

Same thing with priority and some other features. All mail clients do
support that stuff, PM doesn't ...

PM doesn't define the standards, the major players do, so PM should
stick with it.

Thanks and all the best


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