When my computer locks up like that, it is almost always because the
network is trying to find something that isn't available, like an alias
to a volume that is not on-line.

My first suggestion would be to create a new user account on this
computer, set up PM on that new account (be careful that this new
account does NOT delete mail from server!), and see the delay goes away.
If it does, search through your preferences, or throw out your
preferences and start over.

Best I can think of....


Stéphane Terreaux (steph...@terreaux.net) said on 1/7/09:

>[Third time I send the message, it seems the two firsts were
>unsuccessfull, maybe because I attached a sampling file. I apologize if
>you received it twice.]
>Hi everybody,
>my best wishes to all for a colourfull and joyfull year !
>I notice a small problem with PM6, which I have never seen before.
>When a new mail is ready and I click on the "Send" stamp button, I have
>to wait a long time before the new msg window closes and I can work with
>PM. A "long time" means, more or less, 2 minutes.
>At the beginning, I thought this delay was related to the message size
>and attached file size, but in fact it seems not.
>In the meantime, PM shows me the rotating coloured wheel. The Activity
>monitor tells me that PM is not responding (displayed in red), with 0
>CPU consumption. It looks like PM is waiting for something...
>My message database is only around 100 Mo big. Not that fat. Freshly
>compacted, same problem. Rebuild the search index (through the menu), no
>change (it looks like the command did nothing). When I try to compact
>the search index (through the menu), PM crashes.
>I have compacted again and rebuilt the indexes through the maintenance
>dialog, no change. I have not tried the low level database rebuild.
>below is a sampling of PM, obtained with the Activity monitor during the
>"no response" time. I can't read it but maybe it can help.
>Does anyone have the same problem, or did anyone find a way to end with
that ?
>Thanks in advance,
>Analysis of sampling pid 4053 every 10.000000 milliseconds
>Call graph:
>    300 Thread_0f07
>      300 start
>        300 start
>          300 start
>            300 LApplication::Run()
>              300 start
>                300 LTSMDocApp::ProcessNextEvent()
>                  300 WaitNextEvent
>                    300 WNEInternal
>                      300 GetNextEventMatchingMask
>                        300 GetOrPeekEvent
>                          300 ToolboxEventDispatcher
>                            300 SendEventToEventTarget
>                              300 SendEventToEventTargetInternal
>(OpaqueEventRef*, OpaqueEventTargetRef*, HandlerCallRec*)
>                                300 DispatchEventToHandlers
>(EventTargetRec*, OpaqueEventRef*, HandlerCallRec*)
>                                  300 ToolboxEventDispatcherHandler
>(OpaqueEventHandlerCallRef*, OpaqueEventRef*, void*)
>                                    300 SendEventToEventTarget
>                                      300 SendEventToEventTargetInternal
>(OpaqueEventRef*, OpaqueEventTargetRef*, HandlerCallRec*)
>                                        300 DispatchEventToHandlers
>(EventTargetRec*, OpaqueEventRef*, HandlerCallRec*)
>                                          300 StandardWindowEventHandler
>                                            300 HandleMouseEvent
>                                              300 HandleWindowClick
>                                                300 SendEventFromMouseDown
>                                                  300 SendEventToEventTarget
>                                                    300
>SendEventToEventTargetInternal(OpaqueEventRef*, OpaqueEventTargetRef*,
>                                                      300
>DispatchEventToHandlers(EventTargetRec*, OpaqueEventRef*, HandlerCallRec*)
>                                                        300
>                                                          300
>                                                            300
>                                                              300
>                                                                300
>                                                                  300
>SendEventToEventTargetInternal(OpaqueEventRef*, OpaqueEventTargetRef*,
>                                                                    300
>DispatchEventToHandlers(EventTargetRec*, OpaqueEventRef*, HandlerCallRec*)
>300 HIView::EventHandler(OpaqueEventHandlerCallRef*, OpaqueEventRef*, void*)
>300 HIView::ClickSelf(OpaqueEventRef*)
>                                     300 HIView::ClickInternal(CGPoint
>const&, unsigned long, void (*)(OpaqueControlRef*, short),
>OpaqueEventRef*, bool)
>                                       300 HIView::NotifyControlHit
>(short, unsigned long)
>                                         300 SendControlHit(HIView*,
>short, unsigned long)
>                                           300 SendEventToEventTarget
>                                             300
>SendEventToEventTargetInternal(OpaqueEventRef*, OpaqueEventTargetRef*,
>                                               300
>DispatchEventToHandlers(EventTargetRec*, OpaqueEventRef*, HandlerCallRec*)
>                                                 300
>(OpaqueEventHandlerCallRef*, OpaqueEventRef*, void*)
>                                                   300
>                                                     300
>                                                       300
>LCommander::ProcessCommand(long, void*)
>                                                         300 start
>                                                           300
>CSpellCheckingWaste::ObeyCommand(long, void*)
>                                                             300
>WTextView::ObeyCommand(long, void*)
>                                                               300
>LCommander::ObeyCommand(long, void*)
>                                                                 300
>LCommander::ProcessCommand(long, void*)
>                                                                   300 start
300 start
>300 start
>300 VKOpaqueCall
>                                      300 RVLookerNew
>                                        300 RVLookerNew
>                                          300 start
>                                            300 CMAS::SmtpQueueMsg
>                                              300 CSMTPEngine::QueueMsg
>                                                300
>                                                  300
>CMsgFilteringEngine::madeActionStruct*, bool,
>std::vector<CFilter::FilterLog, std::allocator<CFilter::FilterLog> >*, bool)
>                                                    300
>CMsgFilteringEngine::DoFilterMsg(CFilter&, CMsg*, bool*,
>CMsgFilteringEngine::madeActionStruct*, CFilter::FilterLog*)
>                                                      300
>CMsgFilteringEngine::DoAction(CFilter::CAction const&, CMsg*,
>                                                        300 start
>                                                          300
>LPeriodical::DevoteTimeToRepeaters(EventRecord const&)
>                                                            300
>URun1Script::SpendTime(EventRecord const&)
>                                                              300 OSAExecute
>                                                                300
>                                                                  300
>                                                                    300
>300 CallComponentFunction
>300 CallComponentFunctionCommon
>                                     300 ASExecute(unsigned long,
>unsigned long, long, unsigned long*)
>                                       300 UASExecute(unsigned char)
>                                         300 UASExecute1()
>                                           300 BCMessageSend()
>                                             300 UASSend(unsigned char,
>                                               300 UASSend1(unsigned
>char, unsigned char, unsigned char, TUASSendMode)
>                                                 300 UASRemoteSend
>(unsigned char, unsigned char, unsigned char, unsigned char, unsigned
>char, unsigned char*)
>                                                   300
>TUASApplication::Send(TStackFrame_UASRemoteSend*, AEDesc*, AEDesc*,
>unsigned char, unsigned char, unsigned char)
>                                                     300 ComponentSend
>(AEDesc const*, AEDesc*, long, long)
>                                                       300 InvokeOSASendUPP
>                                                         300
>AEDefaultSendProc(AEDesc const*, AEDesc*, long, short, long, unsigned
>char (*)(EventRecord*, long*, OpaqueRgnHandle**), unsigned char (*)
>(EventRecord*, long, long, AEDesc const*), long)
>                                                           300 AESend
>                                                             300 aeSend
>                                                               300
>                                                                 300
>                                                                   300
>                                                                     300
>300 mach_msg_trap
>    300 Thread_1003
>      300 _pthread_body
>        300 __ape_agent
>          300 mach_msg_trap
>            300 mach_msg_trap
>    300 Thread_1103
>      300 _pthread_body
>        300 ah_serv_loop
>          300 mach_msg_trap
>            300 mach_msg_trap
>    300 Thread_1203
>      300 _pthread_body
>        300 CooperativeThread
>          300 LThread::DoEntry(void*)
>            300 LThread::Cleanup::Run()
>              300 LSemaphore::Wait(long)
>                300 LThread::SemWait(LSemaphore*, long, QHdr&, unsigned
>                  300 SetThreadStateEndCritical
>                    300 SetThreadState
>                      300 YieldToThread
>                        300 mach_msg_trap
>                          300 mach_msg_trap
>    300 Thread_1303
>      300 _pthread_body
>        300 CarbonSelectThreadFunc
>          300 syscall
>            300 syscall
>    300 Thread_1403
>      300 _pthread_body
>        300 CarbonOperationThreadFunc
>          300 semaphore_wait_signal_trap
>            300 semaphore_wait_signal_trap
>    300 Thread_1503
>      300 _pthread_body
>        300 CarbonATOperThreadFunc
>          300 semaphore_wait_signal_trap
>            300 semaphore_wait_signal_trap
>    300 Thread_1603
>      300 _pthread_body
>        300 forkThreadForFunction
>          300 +[NSURLConnection(NSURLConnectionInternal) _resourceLoadLoop:]
>            300 CFRunLoopRunInMode
>              300 CFRunLoopRunSpecific
>                300 mach_msg_trap
>                  300 mach_msg_trap
>    300 Thread_1703
>      300 _pthread_body
>        300 select
>          300 select
>    300 Thread_1803
>      300 _pthread_body
>        300 forkThreadForFunction
>          300 +[NSURLCache _diskCacheSyncLoop:]
>            300 CFRunLoopRunInMode
>              300 CFRunLoopRunSpecific
>                300 mach_msg_trap
>                  300 mach_msg_trap
>    300 Thread_1903
>      300 _pthread_body
>        300 CooperativeThread
>          300 LThread::DoEntry(void*)
>            300 start
>              300 start
>                300 CSemaphore::Wait(CMutex&)
>                  300 CConditionImp::Wait(CMutex*)
>                    300 CThreadImp::SuspendPPThread(CPPThread*)
>                      300 LThread::Suspend()
>                        300 SetThreadStateEndCritical
>                          300 SetThreadState
>                            300 YieldToThread
>                              300 mach_msg_trap
>                                300 mach_msg_trap
>    300 Thread_1a03
>      300 _pthread_body
>        300 CarbonInetOperThreadFunc
>          300 semaphore_wait_signal_trap
>            300 semaphore_wait_signal_trap
>Total number in stack (recursive counted multiple, when >=5):
>        12       start
>        11       _pthread_body
>        7       mach_msg_trap
>        5       DispatchEventToHandlers(EventTargetRec*,
>OpaqueEventRef*, HandlerCallRec*)
>        5       SendEventToEventTarget
>        5       SendEventToEventTargetInternal(OpaqueEventRef*,
>OpaqueEventTargetRef*, HandlerCallRec*)
>Sort by top of stack, same collapsed (when >= 5):
>        mach_msg_trap        2100
>        semaphore_wait_signal_trap        900
>        select        300
>        syscall        300
>Sample analysis of process 4053 written to file /dev/stdout
>Sampling process 4053 each 10 msecs 300 times

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