Am/On Wed, 11 Feb 2009 10:26:31 +0100 schrieb/wrote Gilbert ROTH:

>Since the update of PowerMail to version 6, there appears with the
>incoming mail a small window with the title "Change subject". This
>window shows the highlighted title of the message and two buttons, "OK"
>and "Cancel" (or similar, I am using the French version).
>This window appears randomly for between 20 and 80% of the incoming
>messages. It is a real, unnecessary nuisance, especially when I receive
>a large number of messages. Anyhow, I don't see why I should modify the
>text of the title of a message which I have not even read yet!
>Do you have the same problem? How can I get rid of this window?

I've never seen this window.
Do you have set up a special incoming filter, like removing "RE:" or
something like that.
That filter might not work anymore as supposed.

Thanks and all the best


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