looks like the crashes are connected to the installed stuff it engine.
Long time ago I had a simular problem.
Meanwhile I use Pathfinder, which installs always the last engine and I
also bought stuff it.
all the best

Am/On Wed, 7 Jan 2009 11:43:47 -0800 schrieb/wrote Alan Harper:

>Well, PM support asked me to send crash logs, which I did regularly, but
>I never heard anything from them. I inquired whether they wanted me to
>continue, and didn't hear anything, so I stopped.
>Your symptoms are identical to mine.
>Bill Schjelderup (b...@companioncorp.com) said on 1/7/09:
>>I've been having these for a long time also.
>>Higher frequency with v5 than v6, but still the same problem.
>>I've sent many crash logs to ctmdev, but I have no idea if they have
>>helped or not.
>>The vast majority of these seem to occur when I'm performing a drag
>>event and a message is received; other times when PM is trying to image
>>a HTML email and some background operation occurs.
>>My theory is it's a threading problem...and clearly it's hard for them
>>to find.
>>Perhaps if we ALL send crash logs it will help....
>>(about 50% of the time a relaunch is quick, the other 50% it needs to
>>rebuild sort indexes...)
>>Oh, and this occurs on both my home and office machine (I carry my PM
>>database between offices via an external hard disk..)
>>  Bill Schjelderup -- b...@companioncorp.com
>>>PM 6 is crashing on me a few times a week. I can't discover any pattern
>>>to the crashes, but they are usually (> 50%) followed by a 6-minute
>>>reindexing when I relaunch PM. It makes it difficult to respond quickly
>>>to emails!
>>>Has anyone else found this? Any thoughts on how to minimize crashing?
>>>PS, FWIW, I had similar problems with PM 5. I have since reinstalled my
>>>entire system, and upgraded to PM 6. It appears that PM 6 crashes less
>>>often than 5, but not significantly so.

Thanks and all the best


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