At Tue, 9 Nov 2010 22:31:50 -0400, the quick nimble fingers of Sean
McBride wrote:

>>Thank you John, good to know that I'm not the only one. In case CTM
>>keeps ignoring my question about the limit, I'm afraid that I have to
>>drop PM too.
>Which email client are you all switching to?  I'm not sure which to

I have not dropped PM, but have switched to using Apple Mail for my IMAP
accounts (Gmail etc.). As a result, I am already looking at Jean
Michel's suggestion of using FoxTrot. However, for people trying to work
around the 2GB limit, being asked to buy another application is not a
good answer, IMHO.

This has nothing to do with the 2GB limit, but is more to do with the
fact that one of the accounts was rarely used, but I wanted all the
backlog of messages on my own computer.

Inter-Lingual (Mark Smith)
1-8-22 Saidaiji-kitamachi
Nara, Nara Prefecture 631-0817

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