Thanks for the suggestion, Winston, but no luck with this solution, either.  
Your time is very much appreciated.



> On Aug 3, 2015, at 8:08 PM, Winston Weinmann <> wrote:
> This is a guess, but I wonder if PowerMail is trying to store login 
> information for your wife's email account(s) in the Apple Keychain's "login" 
> keychain, and there is some corruption in the relevant Keychain entry.
> First quit PowerMail.
> Then open the Keychain application (probably in the Utilities folder in the 
> Applications folder, on my old Mac it's called "Keychain Access"), then 
> delete any login entries that relate to your wife's email account 
> ( and, for example, if she has a gmail account). 
> The "login" keychain should be at the top of the list of keychains in 
> Keychain.
> Then restart PowerMail. You may have to re-enter login info via the 
> Setup>Mail Accounts... menu.
> If you want to be really thorough, delete her email account via Setup>Mail 
> Accounts... in PowerMail before removing the Keychain "login" entries, then 
> re-set up the account(s) in PowerMail after you've deleted the Keychain 
> entries.
> Note that deleting an email account in PowerMail via Setup>Mail Accounts... 
> will not delete any mail already saved. It will only delete the login info 
> for that email account.
> Good luck.
> - Winston Weinmann
> John Maylone wrote:
>> My wife is a PowerMail user.  Every time she opens her PowerMail, she
>> gets this message:  "PowerMail wants to make changes.  Type your
>> password to allow this."
>> Does anyone know what it is and how to make it stop?
>> Thanks for any advice,
>> John Maylone

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