Let's discuss the age of Aisha being 9 when she married our Prophet in Islam!

First of all, it is important to know:

Aisha's parents were the ones who married her to our Prophet, and that no 
Muslim or even pagan objected to the marriage because it was widely practiced.  
And even until today in 3rd world countries (Muslims and non-Muslims), little 
girls as young as 9 or 10 do get married.  Anyway, the reason no one objected 
was to the Prophet's marriage was:

   People used to have very short life-spans in Arabia.   They used to live 
between 40 to 60 years maximum.  So it was only normal and natural for girls to 
be married off at ages 9 or 10 or similar.

   Marriage for young girls was widely practiced among Arabs back then, and 
even today in many third-world non-Muslim and Muslim countries

 today, the Jewish law for marriage sets the age of consent for females at 11. 
(Consent is only one way of marriage) I do not know if modern Jewish law still 
allows (in theory) betrothal by intercourse as it was practiced in ancient 

Thirty years ago, the renowned sexologist R.E.L. Masters and Allan Edwardes 
said in their study of Afro-Asian sexual expression (_The Cradle of Erotica_, 
Julian Press, New York:1962) said, "Today, in many parts of North Africa, 
Arabia, and India, girls are wedded and bedded between the ages of five and 
nine; and no self-respecting female remains unmarried beyond the age of 

**** Also, the age consent in the US and Europe only 100 years ago for girls' 
marriage was as little as 10, and some popular men figures married little girls 
who were as young as their daughters.


Nah, sekarang logiknya dimana kalau hanya bisa menghina?

Carla Annamarie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

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logically speaking, the point of view of Charles moore couldn't be blamed
bcs in fact now days if a a men have a sexual contact or married an under
age child (esp a 9 years old girl) is considered paedofillia, bcs there's
no logical explaination a person doing that except he's mentally sick and
have a sexual disorder..(pervert).., anyway, i think Charles moore opinion
based on logic..there's nothing to do with religion or anything..simply

"Ida Z.A" 
.com> cc: 
Subject: [ppiindia] Kritik buat charles moore... 
12/17/2004 12:31 
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kutipan Dialog Umat Republika.

Mantan editor The Daily Telegraph, Charles Moore, sgt sadar kalau
tulisannya di kolom mingguannya yang berisi satu tudingan: Nabi
Muhammad adalah seorang paedofilia (seorang yg menyukai anak2 dlm
konteks seksual) akan membuat masyarakat muslim inggris marah. Dalam
tulisannya dia mengatakan, Muhammad, yg menikahi gadis berusia 9 th,
dgn segala kelebihan dan kekurangannya tak lebih seorang paedofilia...
(dgn kekurangan pengetahuannya ttg Islam begitulah salah satu cara
org menyudutkan islam).

Protes pertama disampaikan Iqbal Sacranie, sekjen Muslim Council of
Britain, yg mengatakan bahwa ia tidak menyangka bahwa orang seperti
Charles Moore bisa melakukan hal yang begitu HINA.

Iqbal menambahkan: tulisan Moore makin mencerminkan siapa dia
sebenarnya. Dia belakangan memang aktif mengampanyekan penolakan
terhadap rancangan UU terbaru mengenai kerukunan beragama. Karena
kaum muslim Inggris lah yg berada di garis depan mendukung lahirnya
UU tersebut, yang dianggap akan menghentikan segala aksi berbau
kebencian atas dasar agama.....

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