Bah...liberalisme yang kebablasan... semuanya keluar "jalur".   

penganut liberlisme atau pluralisme atau sekularisme selalu 
berangkat dari konsep kebebasan yang dilandasi sikap dan pemikiran 
merasa benar sendiri. lps ini cenderung melihat aspek dunia aja yg 
bersifat materialisme.
--- In, "Alvin Daniel" 
> ambil contoh aja di US dan indonesia, disana umat muslim ga 
> ada yg dilarang utk beribadah atau diojok ojok, diintimidasi 
> karena minoritas...orang2 keturunan arab pun disana punya 
> komunitas sendiri yg gak diganggu gugat oleh pemerintah 
> maupun rakyatnya..
> kalo sebaliknya di indonesia, yg kristen selalu dicari2 aja 
> kesalahannya...pake alasan fatwa MUI lah, pemurtadan lah, SKB 
> menteri lah...pokoknya dibikin ga nyaman dan di-diskreditkan 
> sebagai kaum minority.
> itulah contoh negara yg belum menghargai kebebasan.
> malah yg ironis di cina, mengaku ekonomi bertumbuh pesat, 
> negara maju tapi masih juga mengekang kebebasan beragama 
> bahkan gak cuma yg kristen, tapi yg muslim juga kena getahnya 
> di intimidasi oleh pemerintah.
> di myanmar juga terjadi hal yg sama...
> dari segi liberalisme berpikir, US boleh dicontoh...meskipun dari 
> indonesia timbul banyak penolakan karena dianggap 
> mengkhianati islam di JIL.
> yang boleh dicontoh juga adalah belanda, disana kriminalitas 
> sedikit, pengangguran rendah, populasi terjaga, bahkan sex and 
> drugs-free....dan tidak membuat negara itu kacau balau seperti 
> indonesia yg selalu mau membersihkan diri dengan 
> kemunafikan.
> -------------------------------------------------------------------
> --- In, Carla Annamarie 
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > 
> > 
> > simple aja deh..klo gak ada liberalism..:
> > 
> > 1. there will be no equality of right among ppl > Kebebasan 
> adalah dasar
> > HAM, makanya klo gak da HAM maka yang ada malah 
> perbudakan.
> > 2. there will be no rule of law or supremacy of law > tanpa 
> kebebasan maka
> > yang timbul dalam pemerintahan adalah otokrasi, bukannya 
> hukum membatasi
> > kekuasaan penguasa tetapi  penguasa adalah hukum.
> > 3. there no freedom in speech n express an ideas.
> > 4. there no economy freedom > gak bisa jadi orang 
> kaya...:))..semuanya di
> > kontrol negara...
> > 5. klo gak da liberalism, gak akan akan ada kebebasan 
> berpikir..makanya
> > neg2 yang anti sama liberalism gak ada yang maju...bisa 
> kasih contohnya
> > satu neg yang super maju karena anti liberalism...just in case 
> gw
> > salah...:))
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >              "RM 
> >              
> >              
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                          To 
> >    >                       
> >              Sent 
by:                                                   cc 
> >              
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                             
> >                                                    Subject 
> >                                        [ppiindia] Amrik dan 
> >                                        IAIN Dikuasasi JIL? -
> >              12/06/2005 
> >              
> >              Please respond 
> >              
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                             
> >                                                            
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > the mainstream liberal current is not present in the country
> > concerned. The French liberals are close to the libertarians, 
> but
> > most other European liberal parties do not share their main 
> values.
> > Although these parties may adopt part of the libertarian 
> agenda, many
> > European liberals see libertarianism as a distinct, opposing
> > political philosophy. Those who emphasize the distinction 
> between
> > classical liberalism and libertarianism point out that even 
> Adam
> > Smith believed a free market could not satisfy all the demands 
> of a
> > society.
> > 
> > Furthermore, some (Haworth, 1994, pp. 27) argue that 
> libertarianism
> > and liberalism are fundamentally incompatible because the 
> checks and
> > balances provided by liberal institutions conflict with the 
> support
> > by most libertarians of complete economic deregulation. It may 
> be
> > argued, however, that some sorts of libertarians called 
> minarchists
> > (at least, those allowing for taxation and/or similar means to
> > support a government) are not necessarily in favor of complete
> > economic deregulation in the first place. (See main article:
> > Libertarianism).
> > 
> > The other form of liberal fundamentalism is sometimes 
> referred to as
> > neo-Jacobin, and sometimes as "Enlightenment 
> fundamentalism" [5]. It
> > arises as a reaction to radical theocracy (such as "Islamism") 
> and
> > its perceived apologists (so-called "multiculturalism").
> > Enlightenment fundamentalism fits in a tradition of resistance 
> and
> > suspicion towards organized religion which can be found in 
> much of
> > Enlightenment thinking. An outspoken proponent of this 
> tradition is
> > the Dutch Liberal parliamentarian Ayaan Hirsi Ali.
> > 
> > The reference to neo-Jacobinism is problematic, since most 
> present-
> > day liberals wouldn't feel friendly to Jacobinism because of its
> > illiberal terror regime. Indeed, it is arguable whether or not 
> > Enlightenment Fundamentalist's attacks on multiculturalism 
> are
> > themselves anti-liberal, given the place of rational tolerance 
> within
> > the liberal tradition (i.e., Locke's "Letter Concerning 
> Toleration").
> > 
> > [edit]
> > Liberal conservatism
> > see main article Liberal conservatism.
> > Liberal conservatism is a hybrid of economic liberalism and
> > conservative social philosophy. This strain often emerged in
> > countries with strong socialist and/or labour parties, and is 
> often
> > strongly influenced by the writings of Edmund Burke. Examples 
> include
> > the Reform Party of Canada, Canadian Alliance, Fine Gael 
> (Republic of
> > Ireland), Party of the Liberal Front (Brazil), Moderate Party
> > (Sweden), the Liberal Democratic Party (Japan), and the 
> Liberal Party
> > of Australia.
> > 
> > [edit]
> > Neoliberalism
> > See main article Neoliberalism.
> > Neoliberalism is an economic ideology rather than a broader 
> political
> > ideology. The swing away from government action in the 1970s 
> led to
> > the introduction of this term, which refers to a program of 
> reducing
> > trade barriers and internal market restrictions as a way 
> towards a
> > more free market capitalist system. It does accept a certain 
> degree
> > of government involvement in the economy, particularly the 
> acceptance
> > of the need for a central bank and a capable national defense, 
> but it
> > seeks to reduce government regulation (and particularly taxes) 
> as
> > much as possible. While neoliberalism is sometimes 
> described as
> > overlapping with Thatcherism, economists as diverse as 
> Joseph
> > Stiglitz and Milton Friedman have been described — by others 
> —
> > as "neoliberal". This economic agenda is not necessarily 
> combined
> > with a liberal agenda in politics: neoliberals often do not 
> subscribe
> > to individual liberty on ethical issues or in sexual mores. An
> > extreme example was the Pinochet regime in Chile, but some 
> will also
> > classify Ronald Reagan, Margaret Thatcher, Tony Blair or 
> Gerhard
> > Schröder as being neo-liberal.
> > 
> > It should be noted that, in the 1990s, many social democratic 
> parties
> > adopted neoliberal economic policies such as extensive 
> privatization
> > and open markets, much to the dismay of many of their own 
> voters.
> > This has led these parties to become de facto neoliberal, and 
> has
> > often resulted in a drastic loss of popular support. For 
> example,
> > critics to the left of the German Social Democratic Party and the
> > British Labour Party accuse them of pursuing neoliberal 
> policies.
> > 
> > Some conservatives see themselves as the true inheritors of 
> classical
> > liberalism. Jonah Goldberg of National Review argues that 
> "most
> > conservatives are closer to classical liberals than a lot of 
> Reason
> > (magazine)-libertarians" because conservatives want to 
> preserve some
> > institutions that they see as needed for liberty.[6] Further
> > confusing the classification of liberalism and conservatism is 
> that
> > some conservatives claim liberal values as their own.
> > 
> > 
> > See also
> > 
> > Anarcho-capitalism
> > Libertarianism
> > Market liberalism
> > Freiwirtschaft
> > Modern liberalism
> > Neoliberalism
> > Methodological Individualist
> > Ordoliberalism
> > Small-l liberal
> > Left-wing politics
> > Social liberalism
> > Anders Chydenius
> > Liberal Christianity
> > Classic liberalism
> > Classical liberalism
> > [edit]
> > 
> > Further reading on liberalism
> > 
> > The literature by thinkers contributing to liberal theory is 
> > at the Contributions to liberal theory.
> > in English
> > The future of liberal revolution / Bruce Ackerman - New Haven: 
> Yale
> > University Press, 1992
> > Left and Right: The Prospects of Liberty / Murray N. Rothbard, 
> 1965
> > Liberalism and Democracy / Norberto Bobbio - London: Verso, 
> 1990
> > (Liberalismo e democrazia, 1988)
> > Liberalism / John A. Hall - London: Paladin, 1988
> > The Decline of Liberalism as an Ideology / John H. Hallowell -
> > London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner, 1946
> > Liberalism / Ludwig von Mises, 1927
> > in Dutch
> > Beleid voor een vrije samenleving / J.W. de Beus en Percy B. 
> Lehning
> > (red.) - Meppel: Boom, 1990
> > Afscheid van de Verlichting: Liberalen in verwarring over eigen
> > gedachtengoed / Hans Charmant en Percy Lehning - 
> Amsterdam: Donner,
> > 1989
> > Liberalisme, een speurtocht naar de filosofische grondslagen 
> / A.A.M.
> > Kinneging e.a. - Den Haag: Teldersstichting, 1988
> > De liberale speurtocht voortgezet / K. Groenveld, H.J. Lutke
> > Schipholt & J.H.C. van Zanen - Den Haag: Teldersstichting, 
> 1989
> > Het menselijk liberalisme / Dirk Verhofstadt - Antwerpen: 
> Houtekiet,
> > 2002
> > 
> > in French
> > Le libéralisme / Georges Burdeu - Paris: Seuil, 1979
> > in German
> > Die Freiheit die wir meinen / Werner Becker - München: Piper, 
> 1982
> > Noch eine chance für die Liberalen / Karl-Hermann Flach - 
> Frankfurt:
> > Fischer, 1971
> > Liberalismus / Lothar Gall - Königstein: Athenäum, 1985
> > [edit]
> > 
> > 
> > Some references
> > Michael Scott Christofferson "An Antitotalitarian History of the
> > French Revolution: François Furet's Penser la Révolution 
> française in
> > the Intellectual Politics of the Late 1970s" (in French 
> > Studies, Fall 1999)
> > Piero Gobetti La Rivoluzione liberale. Saggio sulla lotta 
> in
> > Italia, Bologna, Rocca San Casciano, 1924
> > [edit]
> > 
> > External links
> > 
> > Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy: Liberalism, by Gerald F. 
> Gaus
> > On John Dewey's Liberalism and Social Action
> > Peter Berkowitz on "Modern Liberalism"
> > French Liberalism in the 18th and 19th century
> > What's the Matter With Liberalism, political theorist Ronald 
> Beiner's
> > classic critique
> > The program of liberalism, Ludwig von Mises
> > The Oxford Manifesto of 1947
> > Retrieved from "";
> > 
> > ----------
> > 
> > 
> > Naaahhhh, gimana?
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> *****
> > Berdikusi dg Santun & Elegan, dg Semangat Persahabatan. 
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> > Lebih Baik, in Commonality & Shared Destiny.
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> > 
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