  You do risk destroying the CPU.  Intel does put some thermal
protection into their chips that slows them down when they get hot.  I
don't know how well it works on your particular CPU.  If you have a
friend who has done this before, I would recommend you invite them over.
If you are careful and don't turn the system on until it looks like the
heatsink is well mounted, then you are pretty safe.  Well mounted means
that you look at it down at the chip level and see that it is even all
around all 4 corners and appears to be seated right.  It is hard to
mount at the wrong level, but not hard to miss getting it seated at one
corner or more.
  Clean off all the old heatsink compound from the heatsink and CPU
before you apply the new stuff.  Don't use too much or too little Artic
Silver.  Either one will hurt the cooling.  Although this won't be
catastrophic, unless you really put a lot of compound on and it runs
down on the motherboard.
Good luck,

On Tue, 2008-09-02 at 03:46 +0000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I finally got around to buying some Arctic Silver 5 ... 
> How much of a risk am I taking by doing this?

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