                Primetime on MSNBC:  Tuesday, April 20, 2004
The ABRAMS REPORT (6PM ET/3PM PT) <http://www.abramsreport.msnbc.com>
        Gossip Lawsuit:
Psst!  You won't believe this... but someone's taking teenage gossip.... to court!  
Dan shows you how high school hearsay is turning into a First Amendment legal battle.

        Columbine Tragedy-5 Years Later:
Dan revisits the tragedy with a former friend of the Columbine shooters, and finds out
how the lives of Columbine students have changed.

HARDBALL WITH CHRIS MATTHEWS (7PM ET/4PM PT) <http://hardball.msnbc.com>
        Senator John McCain:
He knows what it's like to be taken prisoner, and now he tells Chris what America must 
and not do for our hostages in Iraq.

        Presidential Polls:
New polls indicate, despite the fireworks from the 9/11 Commission and the casualties 
Iraq, President Bush is still polling ahead of Sen. Kerry.

COUNTDOWN WITH KEITH OLBERMANN (8PM ET/5PM PT) <http://countdown.msnbc.com>
        The 5-Year Anniversary of the Columbine Shooting:
Live Coverage of the Columbine Memorial.

        Too Secure?:
Pittsburgh International Airport asks TSA to ease security rules. 
DEBORAH NORVILLE TONIGHT (9PM ET/6PM PT) <http://norville.msnbc.com>
        A Deborah Norville Exclusive with Bubba "The Love Sponge" :
First Howard Stern, now the government's crackdown on indecency takes another "shock 
off the air. Deborah goes one on one with controversial radio host Bubba "The Love 
in a revealing cable news exclusive interview.

        "The Sopranos":
"The Sopranos" co-stars, Michael Imperioli and Vince Curatola discuss violence and
indecency on TV, and Imperioli's new play "Baptism By Fire."

SCARBOROUGH COUNTRY (10PM ET/7PM PT) <http://joe.msnbc.com>
        Joe's "Real Deal":
He gave praise to a former KKK member...But is Senator Christopher Dodd off the hook
with just an apology?  And why isn't the Senator taking the heat the way ousted Trent
Lott did?

        Does President Bush Have a Secret Deal with the Saudis?:
Joe looks into Bob Woodward's accusations that the Saudi royal family has agreed to 
gas prices just in time for Election Day.

        The U.N. Oil for Food Program:
Were France and Germany getting kickbacks from the fallen Iraqi Dictator?

SNEAK PEEK: Tomorrow...at 7pET- Bob Woodward plays Hardball with Chris Matthews and at
10pET, Sen. John McCain comes to Scarborough Country. 
*Topics and guests are subject to change.


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