        Primetime on MSNBC:  Wednesday, June 16, 2004
THE ABRAMS REPORT (6PM ET/3PM PT) <http://www.abramsreport.msnbc.com> 
        The Case Against Saddam:
Can the former Iraqi dictator be convicted of the crime he's accused of committing?  
goes one-on-one with Salem Chalabi, the man chosen to prosecute Saddam.
        American Held Captive:
Dan sits down with former FBI agent Christopher Whitcomb to discuss the fate of an 
American civilian contractor being held captive in Saudi Arabia.

        The Scott Peterson Trial:
Dan breaks down today's testimony in the Scott Peterson trial.

HARDBALL WITH CHRIS MATTHEWS (7PM ET/4PM PT) <http://hardball.msnbc.com>
        Religion and Politics:
How will religion impact the November election? From Former President Kennedy to 
Bush to Senator Kerry, Chris shows you how Americans have reacted when faith and 
clash at the polls.

        Torture and Terror:
Senator Richard Shelby of Alabama and Senator Richard Dubin enter the hot seat to 
torture and its role in the war on terror.

        The 9/11 Hearings:
Chris sits down with the two most prominent members of the 9/11 commission to discuss 
latest developments in their investigation.

COUNTDOWN WITH KEITH OLBERMANN (8PM ET/5PM PT) <http://countdown.msnbc.com>
        The Impact of Liposuction:
It may get rid of your fat - but will it make you healthier?  Keith breaks down what 
experts are now saying about liposuction, tonight on Countdown. 
        Bald No More:
Keith breaks down the possibility of putting an end to male baldness.

        American Hostage in Iraq:
Keith sits down with former CIA Operative Larry Johnson, discussing the latest in the 
of an American captured in Iraq.

        More About Michael Moore:
Keith goes one-on-one with entertainment reporter Michael Musto to discuss Michael 
Moore's controversial documentary "Fahrenheit 9/11".

        9/11 Commission Findings:
Richard Ben Viniste, chairman of the 9/11 commission, tonight on Countdown.

DEBORAH NORVILLE TONIGHT (9PM ET/6PM PT) <http://norville.msnbc.com>
        " Inside The Actor's Studio ":
>From Halle Berry, to Tom Hanks, to Tom Cruise -- he's interviewed almost every major 
in Hollywood.
Now, James Lipton takes a break from Bravo's "Inside the Actors Studio" and sits down 
a revealing interview with Deborah Norville, tonight at 9 Eastern.

SCARBOROUGH COUNTRY (10PM ET/7PM PT) <http://joe.msnbc.com>
        Calling Out Michael Moore:
Michael Moore claims he's out to expose the truth about what's going on in Iraq. So 
why did
he keep his prison abuse footage secret?

        War on Iraq and Terror:
Scarborough Country welcomes Political Analyst Lawrence O'Donnell to discuss the 
latest in
both Iraq and the hunt for al-Qaeda and sits down with Steven Hayes, author of "The 
Connection: How al-Qaeda's Connection with Saddam Hussein Has Endangered America." 

Sneak Peak:  Veteran White House Correspondent, Sam Donaldson talks about politics, 
and Hollywood's latest string of politically driven movies - tomorrow at 9pET on 
Norville Tonight.
*Subject to change.


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