Hi Ken,

The Javascript is imposed on me from outside. My tools (TheSkyX and PixInsight) 
are both wedded to Javascript. But that offers essentially no executive control 
— state that must be kept aware of wider context. So I generally do all my 
control from Lisp and issue snippets of JS across a network connection to the 
tools. My Lisp code keeps aware of context and state and the JS provides only 
immediate commands to the tools.

- DM

> On Jul 3, 2016, at 16:46, Kenneth Tilton <k...@tiltontec.com> wrote:
> On Sun, Jul 3, 2016 at 7:25 PM, David McClain <d...@refined-audiometrics.com 
> <mailto:d...@refined-audiometrics.com>> wrote:
> Hi Ken,
> Not to put too much of a damper on your enthusiasm,
> No enthusiasm. As I said, I prefer Common Lisp. You asked if it was a fad, I 
> said "No" and provided the indicators I see.
> but can you suggest solid technical reasons for migrating from Common Lisp to 
> Clojure? I don’t do web programming.
> No, I prefer CL. I was responding to this from you:
>  " I’m finding myself being dragged into a “new” world centering on 
> Javascript and prototype based programming. "
> So I suggested ClojureScript (if you have that option.)
> I do machine control, image processing, DSP audio processing, cryptography 
> research, etc. I have never programmed a web page in my life, and probably 
> never will.
> So what is the Javascript for? A node.js app of some kind?
> My impressions from a few years ago was that Clojure was another language 
> built for the heck of it, much like Python. Not particularly well designed, 
> under the control of one individual, with lots of cheerleading from the small 
> audience. Perhaps it has now matured?
> I just started using it three months ago because I am looking for a job, so I 
> cannot offer much on growth over the years. I do know a few folks now add to 
> the core, and the product is very stable, solid, and mature.
> And again, Clojurescript is amazing. Cells is fairly intense and once I had 
> it ported to Clojure it took just  a week to get it running on CLJS (most of 
> that do to some source code reorg in re macros forced by the CLJS->JS 
> compilation chain. So in the context of "OMG! Ihave to do JS" I offered my 
> recommendation.
> Not that cljs will save you from the prototype model. :)
> best, kt

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