Congratulations on the strong results! I feel for those teachers suddenly
required to teach programming when that is something they may never have
done. Your materials will be a great entry for them. Good luck with the
fall study!

On Mon, Nov 30, 2020 at 5:03 PM Alexander Repenning <> wrote:

> No fitting all your concern but
>    - simple to use for novices
>    - combining music with programming (Computational Music Thinking)
>    - web-based
> paper:
> The paper includes examples and links to programs.
> best,  Alex
> On Jul 6, 2020, at 2:11 PM, Ken Tilton <> wrote:
> So I got to thinking about creating an approachable pathway to IT careers
> for anyone really, but in the spirit of today one focused on creating
> career opportunities for African Americans.
> The idea would be a code camp developed around algorithmic generation of
> music. I know nothing about music theory, except that there is prolly
> enough there to introduce most if not all fundamental programming concepts.
> For those campers that accidentally get hooked on programming itself,
> which is how many of us ended up in IT careers, away they go!
> The idea is to:
>    - use music as the hook;
>    - defer as long as possible the annoying things about programming (I
>    am looking at you, node.js);
>    - part of that ^^^ will be using a powerful language with the
>    parentheses in the right place, prolly ClojureScript since that could run
>    where JS runs;
>    - keep programming as the focus, as tempting as the music will be.
>    Sonic Pi comes with all sorts of built-in sound capabilities, but we want
>    to *develop* those in the code camp;
>    - tailor the program to specific musical genres, to maximize the
>    musical hook.
> I am dropping this here since I know many Common Lispers have a strong
> musical bent. My questions are:
>    - Could we use CL instead? I do think this almost has to be a web app,
>    perhaps even mobile. Hmmm, we *could* CL-ify CLJS with
>    sufficent clever macrology.
>    - What do you think? Can a solid programming fundamentals course be
>    expressed in music theory? Hint: HTTP is not a programming fundamental.
>    - If there is any interest, what would be a good place for an ongoing
>    discussion? Google groups?
> Ideas, comments, suggestions all welcome.
> -hk
> Prof. Alexander Repenning
> University of Colorado
> Computer Science Department
> Boulder, CO 80309-430

Kenneth Tilton

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