Hal Kaplan wrote:
Netscape managed to snatch itself from the jaws of victory.  Personally, I've 
used Netscape since day one.  The only reason for using IE is the same reason 
for not using it:  MSFT web pages always work better with IE than the 
I used to militantly use Netscape, since version 1.10, whenever possible. I eagerly awaited, and immediately applied, any upgrades that came out.

Then came the fateful day when I eagerly downloaded and installed 6.0. Within 24 hours I had re-installed 4.78 and vowed never again to install a Netscape update until it had been out for at least 6 months.

Then I met Opera. Opera. She of the blazing speed, flowing tabs and flirtatious mouse gestures . I never looked back, and my Netscape is still at 4.78. I literally can't recall the last time I used it.

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