The .setparams method does work using the lcfile parameter in this way to
create the files:

                        lcfile = sys(5) +  "\foxdat\xfrx\" +  sys(2015)
                        LOXFRX = XFRX("XFRX#LISTENER")
                        lnretval =
                        if lnretval = 0
                                report form (mreport) object LOXFRX
                                messagebox("The report has been created and
is located in " + lcfile,64,"Notice")
                                ? lnretval

The value of the File Name textbox is a different animal, so I need to do
some more work to figure it out.

Another option is to train the users to use the ellipsis button to navigate
to a folder other than the working folder and rename the file from "Output"
to something more sensible.
James E Harvey 
Corresponding Officer/M.I.S.
Hanover Shoe Farms, Inc.
office: 717-637-8931
cell: 717-887-2565
fax: 717-637-6766

-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf
Of Mike Copeland
Sent: Thursday, September 08, 2011 1:32 PM
Subject: Re: XFRX default "output" file name


FWIW, you're doing it exactly the way I do, except I'm creating PDFs, not
XFF files.

With XFRX, the output location and file name are defined using the first
parameter of the .SetParams() method as you have done below.

All I can suggest is to make sure that the path and folder exist prior to
running the report output. In fact, you might try simply specifying the file
name...something like a fixed string "Test123", without a path specified,
run the routine, then look for the file to see if the file name is a match.
My understanding is that XFRX will output to the default VFP folder.

Next try creating the report in C:\ (unless you're on Win7) or some other
simple location and build from there.


-------- Original Message  --------
Subject: XFRX default "output" file name
From: James E Harvey <>
Date: 9/8/2011 10:42 AM

I'm trying to figure out how to change the default "output" file name to a
programmatically generated name in a specific folder, but can't seem to
connect the dots.

Below is the code that creates the XFRX previewer, which works, but the
default name remains "output" and is located in the working folder.

Lcfile doesn't seem to matter.

So when a user runs the report, and then selects the export file button, the
"Export Options" dialog box pops up and the "File Name" text box is
automatically filled with "output" along with the appropriate extension
depending on  what kind of file they are exporting to.

The doc's mention a "loObj.targetfilename" property, but I'm at a loss as to
how to implement it in the code below.

Maybe someone else has already done this (Sytze?)...

Local loSession, lnRetval, lcPageCaption

lcfile = sys(5) +  "\foxdat\xfrx\" +  sys(2015)

mreport = "hsrpmarebooknotify"

toViewer = Createobject("frmMPPreviewer")


lnRetval = loSession.SetParams(lcfile,,,,,,"XFF")

If lnRetval = 0
                Report Form&mreport Object loSession

toViewer.iTool = 2

Local loXFFDocument

loXFFDocument = loSession.oxfdocument

toViewer.previewXFF(loXFFDocument, lcPageCaption)

If toViewer.Visible = .F.

James E Harvey
Corresponding Officer/M.I.S.
Hanover Shoe Farms, Inc.
office: 717-637-8931
cell: 717-887-2565
fax: 717-637-6766

[excessive quoting removed by server]

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