On 9/8/2011 3:12 PM, Kent Belan wrote:
> Hello,
> I have a form that I use to preview a PDF document before it can be printed.
> I am using the OLE Shell Explorer 2 control to display the PDF and it
> displays in the Adobe reader.
> It works great, but if the form is full screen the Adobe reader displays the
> PDF at 150%
> Does anyone know of a way to talk to the Adobe control to force the document
> to always display at 100% ?

Hi Kent,

Whenever I click on PDFs in my emails here at the day gig, they always 
open at 147%.  Go figure.  Wish I knew how to change that too (but never 
make the time to solve the mystery).  I'll watch this thread with 
personal interest too!

Mike Babcock, MCP
MB Software Solutions, LLC
President, Chief Software Architect

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