I wouldnt say that its totally non-achievable as I sincerely believe there are those that given the right tools will attempt exactly that.

And that my friends is why I'm so much against syria, north korea or iran having such weapons, because I believe they will supply them to those that would use them on us.

Virgil Bierschwale
Armstrong and Skipper Real Estate
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----- Original Message ----- From: "Michael Madigan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "ProFox Email List" <profox@leafe.com>
Sent: Wednesday, October 11, 2006 12:05 PM
Subject: RE: [OT] was - SQL- Database Replication

That may be true with terrorists who really have a

The IRA wanted the British out of Northern Ireland,
not the death of every British citizen

The Basques want their own homeland, not the death of
every Spanish citizen.

The Muslims want the death of all non-muslims.
Totally non-achievable.

--- Charlie Coleman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

At 10:24 AM 10/11/2006 -0400, Bill Arnold wrote:


> >Violence is not

> >compassion is not weakness.

> >revenge is the most worthless of causes....

> Next, I think most people in
the US hold these views. At

> least in a general sense.

But if that were the case, we wouldn't be in the jam

No. You're forgetting the other premise that most
believe in. Justice.
The real problem is terrorism. Terrorists believe
they can achieve their
political goals through violence. Terrorist
supporters believe they can
get their political desires by enabling terrorists.
There has been a
growing desire for justice since terrorists started
their actions (and it
wasn't just started at 9/11). For those that want to
stand against
terrorism, there is a reasonable concern over how to
do it. For most,
it's become obvious that the methods of the past -
just trying to grab
the ones taking the direct action - isn't enough.
The reason it isn't
enough is that there will always be someone filled
with enough hate to go
out and do terrible things. So in addition to
finding those that
perpetrate terrorism, you need to find those that
fund them and aid

> What you need to do is get on
the Muslim, N. Korean,

> etc blogs and tell THOSE people they need to
embrace these

A quote from the Robert Fisk article I pointed to

Dude! This guy is nuts! Maybe he's been immersing
himself in the
commondreams website as well. If you want to
understand what the
terrorists want, you need to go back 1,000 years or
so. We weren't around
then. From what I've read and heard so far, the
'common' person in ME
(specifically Iraq) do want to be able to elect
their own leadership. And
then most of the Islamic leaders (e.g. their
'priests' if you will) want
{quot}freedom{quot} from western ideas - they don't
want equality for
women, they don't want people to make up their own
minds, and they don't
want to get along with people of differing beliefs.
I'll leave it for you
to decide which 'freedom' you think we should

As for root causes, you seem to keep turning a blind
eye to the truth.
The root causes of our problems are hate, greed,
etc. It's not because
we've enslaved or attacked them. They raise their
children in a culture
of hatred. Terrorists don't desire any co-existence
with others that
think differently.

You may want to listen to this again...


We wouldn't be over in Iraq if 9/11 didn't happen.
We wouldn't've
gone in to Afghanistan if 9/11 didn't happen. And
it's not all laid at
9/11's feet. The numerous terrorist attacks all over
the world in the
past century have caused turmoil and destruction and
have led to
increased violence. In a lot of ways, the current
conflict isn't about
land or money, it's about whether or not the world
wants to accept
terrorism as a viable political mechanism.

> I'll bet you any amount of
money that if those groups stop

> their violence, threats, terrorism, etc, that
peace would

break out....

emasculated by virtue of all those
(some 42) UN resolutions intended to

deal with Israel that were blocked by (only) America
and Israel.

countries of the world, and the ME in particular,
took that to mean

sided{quot}, thus unfair, and thus a contributing
root cause for

I'm not sure which 42 you mean. But there have
probably been 100's
blocked by various Arab states, with the Soviet
Union and China. And just
because a resolution is blocked, it doesn't mean it
was a good resolution
to start with. Did you read each of those 42?

What about this... If all terrorists immediately
stopped their actions,
do you see any way the {quot}neocons{quot} could
continue their
{quot}conquest{quot} (if there is such a thing)?
Nope. No way.
Conversely, we (the US) have 'had our guard down'
for most of the
century. Did the terrorists stop? Nope. Sorry, to me
it sounds like the
'first person' that needs to stop the violence is
the terrorist. Another
way to look at it is this: from past evidence, it's
clear that terrorists
see 'disarming' as weakness - that they're winning;
also from past
evidence, we (the US et al) see 'disarming' as
peace-seeking. So, by far,
the most likely way to get to peace is for the
terrorists to 'disarm'

Are you headed over to the Al-jazeera site now to
try and convince them
to stop?

There's also the PNAC philosophy
factor, a profound statement calling

for the use of military power to achieve (their)
goals. This isn't

statement of an attitude that says {quot}we'll make
the world a better

so it's attractive to others{quot}, instead it's a
statement of

that literally begged a challenge - and it didn't
fall on deaf

Are you quoting directly or paraphrasing. It seems
any group that
believes military power as the ONLY way to
=== message truncated ===

[excessive quoting removed by server]

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