just a thought... pull the music back down.

Rick Q

On Fri, Dec 2, 2011 at 7:36 PM, Jeff Johnson <j...@san-dc.com> wrote:

> I have a 24 year old living in our house that does nothing but surf the
> Internet.  We won't go into the details because I haven't had my pills
> today.  ;^)
> My wife has been uploading her music to Google Music and it has been
> slowing down our connection to a standstill.  It has been nice because
> our boy can't do much while the music is uploading.
> I was wondering what I can do when her upload is done to slow down our
> connection without turning it off.  I would like to have him do a Google
> search and it take about 10 to 20 minutes.  ;^)
> He does all of this stuff while we are sleeping.
> Any ideas will be welcome.
> --
> Jeff
> ---------------
> Jeff Johnson
> j...@san-dc.com
> (623) 582-0323
> www.san-dc.com
[excessive quoting removed by server]

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