I've never used either command before. I remember reading about them. The
only problem I always struggled with is changing forms that use the same
database and the data environment would not show up. I would put a menu like
form in between to select one or the other and then they would function. Is
the READ EVENTS & CLEAR EVENTS mainly to compile to .exe?

Gary Jeurink

-----Original Message-----
From: Tracy Pearson [mailto:tr...@powerchurch.com] 
Sent: Thursday, August 16, 2012 8:20 AM
To: profox@leafe.com
Subject: RE: just installed vfpro-9

Fred Taylor wrote on 2012-08-15: 
>  Don't think that will work.  The Init code will hang at the READ EVENTS.
>  The usual way is to have a .PRG with:
>  DO FORM yourform
>  and then have the CLEAR EVENTS in either the Quit button Click, or in the
>  Form Destroy event.
>  Fred
>  On Wed, Aug 15, 2012 at 4:29 PM, Gary Jeurink <g.jeur...@charter.net>
>> So I will put READ EVENTS in the init method and then the CLEAR EVENTS in
>> the quit form button. Right now I just have a main form that calls any
>> forms
>> that I need. I've never had any formal instruction other than books.
>> Gary Jeurink


I agree with Fred.

Read the "Main Files in Applications" topic in the VFP 9 help. Follow it
with "How to: Control the Event Loop".

You will want an ON ERROR statement to capture and handle errors.

Tracy Pearson
PowerChurch Software

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