It is an interesting show for me because it seems to indicate that a growing
number of people no longer trust their govt to be truly democratic or to be
servants of the people. 

-----Original Message-----
From: ProFox [] On Behalf Of Ricardo Aráoz
Sent: Saturday, 10 November 2012 9:57 AM
To: ProFox Email List
Subject: Re: [OT] Florida's voting system sucks

No, haven't seen it, but will see if any of the cable signals has got it.
Nevertheless I've seen hundreds of series and movies where yanks extoll
vigilantism, justify police power abuse and entrapment, and countless other
practices that go against freedom and democracy under the excuse that the
system does not work.
And then they fill their mouths saying they fight for freedom, or democracy,
as if they were the only democratic or free country. They are also dumb
enough to equate both words, which is of course a major stupidity.

El 09/11/12 18:32, geoff escribió:
> Its a pretty bad sign I admit... Have you seen the new TV show 'last 
> Resort'? 10 years ago such a show would be viewed as silly fiction. 
> Now it is being made because of an intense distrust - among americans 
> - of their democratic institutions.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: ProFox [] On Behalf Of Ricardo 
> Aráoz
> Sent: Saturday, 10 November 2012 7:37 AM
> To: ProFox Email List
> Subject: Re: [OT] Florida's voting system sucks
> But they are the "free" world. LOL
> With Guantanamo, the patriot's act, police brutality, etc. Just 
> another police state.
> El 09/11/12 17:31, geoff escribió:
>> I live in australia. We would be unlucky to queue 30 minutes to vote.
>> We know how many people are going to vote so we staff the polling 
>> booths accordingly. I struggle to understand how such a simple supply 
>> and demand equation can so elude so many american voting authorities.
>> Mind you we have ONE electoral authority while I am guessing you have 
>> somewhere between 50 and 200? A bit like you have 7000 police forces 
>> and
> we have 7.
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: ProFox [] On Behalf Of lelandj
>> Sent: Saturday, 10 November 2012 12:38 AM
>> To: ProFox Email List
>> Subject: Re: [OT] Florida's voting system sucks
>> On 11/09/2012 06:10 AM, geoff wrote:
>>> They were hanging back from counting in case florida went down to 
>>> the wire and they could cheat... again.
>>> And think about it... doesnt that just have that delicious taste of 
>>> truth about it?
>> The Florida voting process seemed to deliberately be trying to 
>> suppress the vote by  making the process inefficient, resulting in 
>> long lines that could take up to seven or eight hours to reach the 
>> voting booth.  LOL
>> Regards,
>> LelandJ
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: ProFox [] On Behalf Of lelandj
>>> Sent: Friday, 9 November 2012 6:23 PM
>>> To: ProFox Email List
>>> Subject: Re: [OT] Florida's voting system sucks
>>> On 11/09/2012 01:37 AM, Pete Theisen wrote:
>>>> On 11/09/2012 02:30 AM, lelandj wrote:
>>>>>>> Pete, can't Florida get her voting system together?  LOL
>>>>>>> I'm glad the election didn't come down to Florida's 29 electoral 
>>>>>>> votes; because, I'm pretty sure the Republican controlled state 
>>>>>>> would have followed along the lines of the 2000 election that 
>>>>>>> put GWB in office.
>>>>>>> Finally; three hours ago:
>>>>>> What would Texas have done, given that close a result?
>>>>> Perhaps the Florida officials responsible for running the 
>>>>> elections should consult with an expert on the subject to find 
>>>>> opportunities how the Florida voting system might be improved.  
>>>>> I'm sure there are some fine experts, as the other 49 states, 
>>>>> including NY and NJ, that were ravaged by hurricane Sandy, got it
>>>> Ducked the question, as usual. You don't know about your own state, 
>>>> do you.
>>> What does the election being close have to do with how long it take 
>>> to count the votes?  LOL  It should only delay calling the election 
>>> by projection, until all votes are counted, which should have 
>>> occurred election night.  No recount was involved.
>>> Regards,
>>> LelandJ

[excessive quoting removed by server]

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