Doesnt anyone else find it astonishing that the american voting system is so
corrupt and such a shambles? What is needed is FEDERAL over-riding
legislation to set up a single electoral body responsible to running every
election and setting up effective and non-fraudulent systems like those run
in most of the rest of the world. The degree of fraud and corruption is only
overshadowed by the incompetence. But no one in govt seems overly concerned
that the voting results are inaccurate and fraudulent as long as they got

Your elections are a joke.

-----Original Message-----
From: ProFox [] On Behalf Of Paul Hill
Sent: Monday, 12 November 2012 7:02 AM
To: ProFox Email List
Subject: Re: [OT] Can't let conservative blacks win

On 11 November 2012 19:15, lelandj <> wrote:

> Just off the top of my head, an internal control might work something 
> like this.  The starting point in a voter casting a ballot is 
> registering to vote. Because many people have the same name, at the 
> time a person registers to vote, they could be issued a unique ID number.
> In order for the voter to receive a ballot, when they go to vote, they 
> could be required to present their unique ID number.  This number 
> could be check, and if its valid, and has not already been used, the 
> voter could receive a ballot.

You just described the voting system as used by half the world!

Here in the UK I receive a card in the post which I take down to vote.
It can only be used once and only at one place (normally a local school, in
my case the local judo club).

The alternative is the system used in India.  The voter dips his/her finger
in a strong dye.
If you have a blue finger you can't vote!


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