VFP9SP2 SPT to MySQL (actually MariaDB) backend

I'm writing some code to do lots of data work and after certain things I want to check the warnings, the equivalent of returning what SHOW WARNINGS shows in the HeidiSQL IDE. VFP though doesn't bring back a nice structure, so the cursor's return contents are useless. Is there something in the information_schema or otherwise current db that I could query to get this info? Surely there is. After all, instead of SHOW TABLES I can SELECT * FROM information_schema.`tables` There just doesn't seem to be an equivalent. Plus, SHOW TABLES returns something I can use; SHOW WARNINGS does not. (Well, it returns rows with LEVEL and CODE values, but the MESSAGE field is just encrypted/jumbled crap.

I had been doing this job manually in the HeidiSQL IDE but I'm trying to automate it now from VFP.


Mike Babcock, MCP
MB Software Solutions, LLC
President, Chief Software Architect

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