Again, I don't see the business problem that needs fixing other than population growth going faster than the economy can absorb them.

We have plenty of rules about business conduct and don't need any more. All issues can be placed under the moral code called "cheating". If you think it is bad now you should read the history of business cheating a hundred years ago.

I have a book about the running of the early railroads and opening of the west including the ill treatment of the Indians. It was really bad. And I watched a video show on TV about the Rockefellers and how the old man cheated his way to taking over the oil industry and drove competitors into the poor house.

I disagree with all of your statements below. You cannot expect the world to stay fixed just so you can have the same income all your life. You need to change and grow with it. Learn new things. That's life.


----- Original Message ----- From: "Virgil Bierschwale" <>
To: "'ProFox Email List'" <>
Sent: Wednesday, June 26, 2013 11:55 PM
Subject: RE: [OT] Re: Help save Southwest Fox

Actually, if you do not educate yourself, and discuss how to fix the
problem, you will get more and more corzine's, madoff's, etc simply because
businesses have proved that they will not regulate themselves.

I don't think I can attach a pdf file here, so I will attempt to show you
what ten years has shown me, and believe me, back in 2003 when ya'll were
helping me to rewrite my resume, I had no clue about any of this stuff.

I simply have done my due diligence, and I have found it to be a very
productive expenditure of my time.

To keep it simple, we have 6 billion people in our world.

Our whole world is comprised of people.

Without business we could survive quite well via barter and the exchange of
our skills.

Now, to give our children, and our fellow citizens a decent life, I believe
that we all agree that the American dream is founded on the principle that
we will find a way to provide the balance between the business communities
need for profit and the people's right to a life that should be better and
richer and fuller for everyone, with opportunity for each according to
ability or achievement regardless of social class or circumstances of birth.

Now the people cannot maintain this balance because they do not have the
financial resources to go head to head with the business community should
they not work to develop and maintain this balance.

And the business community has the financial resources to totally devastate
the people of our world, which as in the example I showed earlier today,
they are doing in a game of musical countries, and the people can do nothing
about it.

Which is why we need a government that understands that it is up to them to
develop and maintain this balance.

We, the people, have been neglect in our duty and we have elected people to run government like a business rather than people that understand that it is
up to them to develop and maintain this balance.

We, the people, have also been neglect in our duty because we have allowed
our government to allow the very media that should be putting their finger
on the scale above to maintain this balance.

Yeah, I know it is heavy.

Took me nearly ten years to understand it all

And no, I do not have all the solutions.

I just know that if we leave the business community to do as it pleases, it
will destroy your future, just as it did mine, and trust me, I didn't feel
this way until I saw the boot heels of capitalism.

By the way, birth's is not the issue.

The more people we have, the more that they can buy, the more that our
businesses can sell.

As long as they make more than what it costs to live in their community,
that is.

And the current path we are on is making it so that they make less than what
it costs to live.

Case in point, in 2002 I made $2,700 per week as a consultant.

In 2012 I made $8,001.00 as an unemployed person, and that ended in march

In 2002 I could afford anything anybody had for sale.

In 2012 I couldn't afford a piece of used toilet paper.

And I'm pretty sure the majority of people on this group have seen similar
declines in their cash flow.

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