Where do you live at, and I will send you examples.


Take silicon valley..

Doing wonderful, is it not?




Ask some of the guys or gals that are active on here about what is happening
in Silicon Valley


As for the houses, I'm a realtor, and housing is not selling.

Except to investors who are raising the rent and will want to sell at a
profit sometime in the future.


But, they might meet their waterloo if people like you cannot get a
mortgage, which is happening nationwide simply because that means that they
will not be able to sell, and without a buyer, you can have a million dollar
house that is worth zero if that is all that you can get for it.


The only jobs that we have created for the last ten years or so are minimum
wage jobs.


We are not creating any computer jobs.




Unless of course you consider an increase of 1 million jobs over ten years
to be a substantial increase?


If the pic, didn't come through, you can click on this link




You need to understand several things.


1.       Most people are two paychecks away from disaster whether they eat
at a restaurant or they buy a new car

2.       As you can see by the following picture, the bulk of people in
America make less than 50,000 per year

a.       30 percent make more than 50,000

b.      58 percent make less than 50,000 and more than 25,000

c.       12 percent make less than 25,000


Let's assume that you have done well for yourself and you have a nice home
in a nice neighborhood that is worth 300 thousand dollars


Only 30 percent of America at the current time can buy your home, and we are
sending those peoples jobs offshore because they cost too much which is
increasing the ranks of the lower paying jobs.


If they are lucky they will only go from the blue (50,000 or more) to the
red (less than 50,000 and more than 25,000), but as in my case, and many,
many others that I have heard from, they will end up in the less than 25,000


I recently heard from a tech writer that used to make big bucks for
Microsoft and IBM

Hasn't been able to get a interview for years.


The guy that developed the pics' in my first issue saw his work (artistic
type) go to korea and can't buy an interview.


The guy that I worked for in vegas for 4 years that was in the top 10 people
of a company of 2,500 is unemployed


The signs are everywhere, but you do have to open your eyes.


Google Ralph Gomory

I realize you don't trust me, but I'll bet that if you do your homework on
him, you will realize that even he is writing about what I'm writing about.


And there are many, many more that are waking up.

Paul Craig Roberts

Greg Autry

Michael Tonelson



-----Original Message-----
From: ProFox [mailto:profox-boun...@leafe.com] On Behalf Of Nicholas Geti
Sent: Thursday, June 27, 2013 10:31 AM
To: ProFox Email List
Subject: Re: [OT] Re: Help save Southwest Fox


What country are you reporting from? Where I live in the U.S. people are
doing very well. The restaurants are full (which is a good sign the economy
is picking up), many companies stocks are rising, and houses are selling at
high rates, and I see so many new cars on the road.


If you have no confidence in the future (although Obama is depressing mine),
then one can roll over and die. But I don't see a depression in the next
three or four years.




----- Original Message -----

From: "Virgil Bierschwale" < <mailto:vbier...@gmail.com> vbier...@gmail.com>

To: "'ProFox Email List'" < <mailto:profox@leafe.com> profox@leafe.com>

Sent: Thursday, June 27, 2013 9:35 AM

Subject: RE: [OT] Re: Help save Southwest Fox



>I believe we can both agree that history is repeating itself as we are

> currently living through the second gilded age, and most likely going to 

> see

> the second greatest depression simply because people do not realize how 

> bad

> it is out there.




> As you will notice by this picture, unemployment actually is nearly 25% 

> here

> in America and it is in fact diverging from the official U3 and U6 Numbers

> as more and more of us are not being counted.








> I do NOT expect the world to stay fixed.




> I simply recognize that people like you and me are, or were earning in the

> top 10% of all wage categories.





> Management Occupations


> 108,570



> Legal Occupations


> 98,570



> Computer and Mathematical Occupations


> 80,180



> Architecture and Engineering Occupations


> 79,000



> Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations


> 73,540



> Business and Financial Operations Occupations


> 69,550



> Life, Physical, and Social Science Occupations


> 68,360



> Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, and Media Occupations


> 54,490



> Education, Training, and Library Occupations


> 51,210



> Construction and Extraction Occupations


> 44,960



> Community and Social Service Occupations


> 44,240



> Installation, Maintenance, and Repair Occupations


> 43,870



> Protective Service Occupations


> 43,050



> Sales and Related Occupations


> 37,990



> Production Occupations


> 34,500



> Office and Administrative Support Occupations


> 34,410



> Transportation and Material Moving Occupations


> 33,590



> Healthcare Support Occupations


> 27,780



> Building and Grounds Cleaning and Maintenance Occupations


> 25,670



> Personal Care and Service Occupations


> 24,550



> Farming, Fishing, and Forestry Occupations


> 24,230



> Food Preparation and Serving Related Occupations


> 21,380




> As we continue to send our legal, our computer, our engineering, our

> healthcare, our financial, our radioligists jobs offshore seeking cheaper,

> and cheaper rates, where will you find the income to pay your mortgage or

> support your family?




> And if you currently are self employed, most likely you are making a 

> living

> developing software for large and small businesses.


> When they can no longer afford your services because their client base has

> been devastated, where will you get your money from?






> No disrespect, but I can tell that you have not thought this through.




> If we keep on this path, you will be glad to open the door at walmart for

> the few remaining people that still have work.




> That is  a future that I refuse to endorse, and I work to get the 

> ostrich's'

> of our world to understand that it is not going to turn out how they think

> it will turn out.


















> -----Original Message-----

> From: ProFox [ <mailto:profox-boun...@leafe.com>
mailto:profox-boun...@leafe.com] On Behalf Of Nicholas Geti

> Sent: Thursday, June 27, 2013 8:14 AM

> To: ProFox Email List

> Subject: Re: [OT] Re: Help save Southwest Fox




> Again, I don't see the business problem that needs fixing other than

> population growth going faster than the economy can absorb them.




> We have plenty of rules about business conduct and don't need any more. 

> All

> issues can be placed under the moral code called "cheating". If you think 

> it

> is bad now you should read the history of business cheating a hundred 

> years

> ago.




> I have a book about the running of the early railroads and opening of the

> west including the ill treatment of the Indians. It was really bad. And I

> watched a video show on TV about the Rockefellers and how the old man

> cheated his way to taking over the oil industry and drove competitors into

> the poor house.




> I disagree with all of your statements below. You cannot expect the world 

> to

> stay fixed just so you can have the same income all your life. You need to

> change and grow with it. Learn new things. That's life.




> Nick






> ----- Original Message -----


> From: "Virgil Bierschwale" < < <mailto:vbier...@gmail.com>

>  <mailto:vbier...@gmail.com> vbier...@gmail.com>


> To: "'ProFox Email List'" < < <mailto:profox@leafe.com>
mailto:profox@leafe.com>  <mailto:profox@leafe.com> profox@leafe.com>


> Sent: Wednesday, June 26, 2013 11:55 PM


> Subject: RE: [OT] Re: Help save Southwest Fox






>> Actually, if you do not educate yourself, and discuss how to fix the


>> problem, you will get more and more corzine's, madoff's, etc simply


>> because


>> businesses have proved that they will not regulate themselves.








>> I don't think I can attach a pdf file here, so I will attempt to show you


>> what ten years has shown me, and believe me, back in 2003 when ya'll were


>> helping me to rewrite my resume, I had no clue about any of this stuff.








>> I simply have done my due diligence, and I have found it to be a very


>> productive expenditure of my time.








>> To keep it simple, we have 6 billion people in our world.




>> Our whole world is comprised of people.




>> Without business we could survive quite well via barter and the exchange


>> of


>> our skills.
















>> Now, to give our children, and our fellow citizens a decent life, I


>> believe


>> that we all agree that the American dream is founded on the principle 

>> that


>> we will find a way to provide the balance between the business 

>> communities


>> need for profit and the people's right to a life that should be better 

>> and


>> richer and fuller for everyone, with opportunity for each according to


>> ability or achievement regardless of social class or circumstances of


>> birth.








>> Now the people cannot maintain this balance because they do not have the


>> financial resources to go head to head with the business community should


>> they not work to develop and maintain this balance.








>> And the business community has the financial resources to totally


>> devastate


>> the people of our world, which as in the example I showed earlier today,


>> they are doing in a game of musical countries, and the people can do


>> nothing


>> about it.








>> Which is why we need a government that understands that it is up to them


>> to


>> develop and maintain this balance.








>> We, the people, have been neglect in our duty and we have elected people


>> to


>> run government like a business rather than people that understand that it


>> is


>> up to them to develop and maintain this balance.








>> We, the people, have also been neglect in our duty because we have 

>> allowed


>> our government to allow the very media that should be putting their 

>> finger


>> on the scale above to maintain this balance.
















>> Yeah, I know it is heavy.




>> Took me nearly ten years to understand it all








>> And no, I do not have all the solutions.








>> I just know that if we leave the business community to do as it pleases,


>> it


>> will destroy your future, just as it did mine, and trust me, I didn't 

>> feel


>> this way until I saw the boot heels of capitalism.








>> By the way, birth's is not the issue.




>> The more people we have, the more that they can buy, the more that our


>> businesses can sell.








>> As long as they make more than what it costs to live in their community,


>> that is.








>> And the current path we are on is making it so that they make less than


>> what


>> it costs to live.








>> Case in point, in 2002 I made $2,700 per week as a consultant.




>> In 2012 I made $8,001.00 as an unemployed person, and that ended in march


>> 2012








>> In 2002 I could afford anything anybody had for sale.




>> In 2012 I couldn't afford a piece of used toilet paper.








>> And I'm pretty sure the majority of people on this group have seen 

>> similar


>> declines in their cash flow.










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