Just a thought...what I've done in these situations is have two WIFI boxes...a good one with protection (WPA2 password) and a cheaper one (like a Netgear for $60) that has no password. Set the cheap WIFI up with access to the Internet and nothing else.

Well yeah--but it's a big building, presentations can occur in a variety of places. We have three WiFi access points; now I'd need six. And I would also increase the number of service calls by some significant percentage, involving staff who can't remember the WiFi password.

I try to keep things simple and convenient--for the staff and for myself.

No problem. But you've probably already spent $200 of your time trying to figure out how to solve the problem with software. (3 x $60 = $180) How would staff have trouble remembering a password that doesn't exist? (on the "free access" WIFI WAPs) My experience with "no password" WAPS is that at worst you may have to restart them (unplug power, reconnect power) if they go wonky...other than that, they're maintenance free.

Not trying to argue, just offering some alternative approaches.

I'm not trying to argue either. I'm enjoying the opportunity to learn new stuff about Macs and SAMBA. And between the help I'm getting here and from my consultant, I think we're going to solve this thing. I appreciate everybody's responses.

Ken Dibble

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