On Thu, Jun 5, 2014 at 1:44 PM, Jeff Johnson <j...@san-dc.com> wrote:

> It's kind of fox because I am working with web connection html form pages.
>  I used Kompozer and it blew away my original source.  Mainly it added
> "width:" styles and converted all "<" to "&lt;" and same with ">".  It also
> wrapped some "<%= variable %>" so the browser could not find "variable".
> Is there a free (or reasonable) HTML WYSIWYG editor that prevents this
> formatting?
> It works great for straight HTML pages but when you are adding text merge
> like web connection does, it is not so good. Counter-productive.
> ----------------------

In chrome press F12.  Maybe that is what you are interested in?

Stephen Russell
Sr. Analyst
Ring Container Technology
Oakland TN

901.246-0159 cell

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