I use EditPro for just that purpose (and a lot more). It handles any size file, up to whatever the OS can store...it has preset management for various file types (including HTML), macro recorder, an awesome search/replace system, is updated regularly, and is pretty cheap at $50.

When you edit HTML, you have a CTRL+E to view the file you're editing in whatever your default browser is.

www.editpadpro.com <http://www.editpadpro.com>

Mike Copeland

Jeff Johnson wrote:
It's kind of fox because I am working with web connection html form pages. I used Kompozer and it blew away my original source. Mainly it added "width:" styles and converted all "<" to "&lt;" and same with ">". It also wrapped some "<%= variable %>" so the browser could not find "variable".

Is there a free (or reasonable) HTML WYSIWYG editor that prevents this formatting?

It works great for straight HTML pages but when you are adding text merge like web connection does, it is not so good. Counter-productive.


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