<pre> this content <is>      <B> not html encoded <so there> </pre>

On 05/06/2014 19:58, Dan Covill wrote:
Our webmaster used PageBreeze for years.  I tried it, and it works pretty well, 
but the problem is that when you do a WysiWig edit on something, it regenerates 
the HTML, frequently generating redundant code and invalid syntax.  I spent a 
lot of time taking out the syntax errors and making the HTML readable, and 
(mostly by accident) tried editing the HTML with my EditPad Pro editor, which 
turned out to know all about the syntax and have several nice testing tools.
If you're going to do WYSIWIG, then put on your Idiot's hat and NEVER TOUCH the 
HTML.  Otherwise, get a real editor.

Date: Thu, 5 Jun 2014 11:44:05 -0700
From: j...@san-dc.com
To: profoxt...@leafe.com
Subject: [NF]HTML Editor

It's kind of fox because I am working with web connection html form
pages.  I used Kompozer and it blew away my original source.  Mainly it
added "width:" styles and converted all "<" to "&lt;" and same with
">".  It also wrapped some "<%= variable %>" so the browser could not
find "variable".

Is there a free (or reasonable) HTML WYSIWYG editor that prevents this

It works great for straight HTML pages but when you are adding text
merge like web connection does, it is not so good. Counter-productive.



Jeff Johnson
SanDC, Inc.
Fax 623-869-0675


[excessive quoting removed by server]

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