On 6/25/2014 8:03 AM, mbsoftwaresoluti...@mbsoftwaresolutions.com wrote:
Well, the Western Digital drive that I bought 10 years ago is starting to show signs of failure according to the System Event log. Time to look for its replacement. I recall hearing about Drobo some years ago. Nice redundancy built into it, iirc.

What do you guys use? Yes, the cloud is an option too, and I do put backups on my website in a private folder, but I like a quick local external backup copy available too.


Michael: I backup all my computers to a local server. I back up the server to a local HD and also Crash Plan.


-- Jeff Jeff Johnson j...@san-dc.com SanDC, Inc. 623-582-0323 Fax 623-869-0675 http://www.san-dc.com

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