On Mon, Oct 20, 2014 at 12:58 PM, <
mbsoftwaresoluti...@mbsoftwaresolutions.com> wrote:

> Was Windows 1.0 the one where Steve Ballmer did a crazy commercial akin to
> "Crazy Eddie" back in the 80s?  "Crazy Eddie....his prices are
> INSANE!!!!!"  lol
> -----------------

I remember having a Windows 286 that only ran off of floppies.  You got if
free for desktop publishing app.  Precursor to Correl Draw I believe. Too
bad that dot matrix printer did such a great job with the files.  Actually
there was printer shop that could take the images and make posters.

> On 2014-10-18 13:48, Mike Copeland wrote:
>> I swear I had a copy of Win 1.0
>> I may have been smoking something (it was a different time then), and
>> from what I recall it was pretty much click and look...no apps, no
>> functionality.
>> I even kept the diskettes for a while along with my Lotus 123 and Frogger
>> disks.
>> Mike
>> Ted Roche wrote:
>>> There was a Windows 2.0 -- I remember getting the "runtime" bundled with
>>> Adobe Pagemaker when my company started Desktop Publishing. But I'm
>>> pretty
>>> sure Windows New Technology launched at the 3.0 version. I was working
>>> at a
>>> Microsoft consultancy in Waltham, MA, and we bought PowerPC and MIPS
>>> machines to test out the cross-platform servers on new CPUs. Perhaps I'm
>>> misremembering, as that was a long, long, long time ago.
>>> On Sat, Oct 18, 2014 at 12:22 PM, jeff <j...@san-dc.com> wrote:
>>>  Wasn't there an NT 2.0?
>>>> Sent from my T-Mobile 4G LTE Device
>>>> -------- Original message --------
>>>> From: Ed Leafe <e...@leafe.com>
>>>> Date:10/18/2014  07:02  (GMT-07:00)
>>>> To: profoxt...@leafe.com
>>>> Subject: Re: Windows 10
>>>> On Oct 17, 2014, at 7:39 PM, Ted Roche <tedro...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>  This
>>>>> is the company that made:
>>>>> Windows 3
>>>>> Windows 3.11
>>>>> Windows 95
>>>>> Windows NT
>>>>> Windows NT 3.51
>>>>> WIndows 98
>>>>> Windows NT 4
>>>>> Windows Me
>>>>> Windows 2000
>>>>> Windows Vista
>>>>> Windows 7
>>>>> Windows 8
>>>> You left out Windows XP. How is that possible, when it fits so nicely
>>>> into
>>>> the above pattern?
>>>> ;-)
>>>> -- Ed Leafe
>>>> --- StripMime Report -- processed MIME parts ---
>>>> multipart/signed
>>>>    text/plain (text body -- kept)
>>>>    application/pgp-signature
>>>> ---
[excessive quoting removed by server]

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