Geez, it's one of those days...
Further Clarification...

I call this routine from a timer that fires every minute. If the lnTimeOut value was 5 minutes (300 seconds) I would probably set the time to 4 or 5 minutes.

My need is to close out my application if it isn't 'active' because the workstations are in a retail environment with public access (smart inquisitive kids.)


Mike Copeland wrote:

What this does is watch for mouse movement or keyboard input as reported by the OS. If, after 60 seconds (with this example) no user activity (mouse, keyboard) the "lnElapsed < lnTick" is true and you can proceed as you see fit.


Mike Copeland wrote:
This is a huge issue for my application. Here's what I use...

    DECLARE INTEGER GetTickCount IN kernel32
    DECLARE SHORT GetLastInputInfo IN win32API STRING @

    Local lcBuf, lnLast, lnTick, lnTimeOut, lnElapsed
    lnTimeOut=60  && # of seconds
    lnElapsed = lnLast+(lnTimeOut*1000)
    If lnElapsed < lnTick
            * do what you want here, they're out of time

Mike Copeland

Rafael Copquin wrote:
I wonder what is the best way to kick users out of an app when they have it open for ages without doing anything (the typical out-to-lunch). The user has a number of files open and does not do anything for a long time.

I want to have the system shut itself down after 5 or 10 minutes of inactivity

Suggestions please

Rafael Copquin

[excessive quoting removed by server]

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