On 2/15/2015 11:29 AM, Ken Dibble wrote:

I think the real key is to define fox apps as requiring a host to run, or
as web based.

In other words, if the data, etc is hosted on a box that will run vfp,
foxweb, westwind, etc. and they only want browser based apps, I believe it will run on any tablet, phone, etc. if you're willing to design the "app"
for the screen size.

Well, as far as hosting data, you can put VFP dbfs and dbcs on any Linux box running SAMBA and it works fine. So you don't need a "box that will run vfp" to host data, even if you are using a VFP back end.

I have found that a Windows RDP server will handle my very complex VFP applications very well. I have separate copies of the application set up on the RDP server for each user's RDP account (primarily because my app is not Windows-compliant on where it writes to locally), and they all access the same VFP data on a CentOS box. The only bottlenecks are speed of the host site's internet connection, speed of the user's internet connection, and, potentially, printing. (Our RDP server is on a TW Telecom fiber optic line that has 25 Mbps down/3 Mbps up and that seems quite adequate from our end.) RDP just sends images across the wire for everything except printing. It can take up to a minute for the local printer to respond to a print job requested over RDP, but it still works fine.

Based on my reading of MS's white paper on the subject, I think you would have no problem having 50 concurrent users running a complex VFP application on a middling-power RDP server, and if you beef up the hardware you could probably get closer to 150 per box.

There is a Mac RDP client, and since Mac is BSD Unix under the hood, I wouldn't be surprised if there was a Linux RDP client available somewhere. So it may be close to a universal solution for people using devices with screens big enough to do data-entry.

Ken Dibble
I have several clients running this environment and it is working fantastic. Only tricky things are scanning and printing to the local machines, but can be figured out.


Jeff Johnson
SanDC, Inc.
(623) 582-0323
SMS (602) 717-5476
Fax 623-869-0675


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