> It looks like UCLA really wants to move away from Foxpro, as they know 
> it's a dead language. But, they want to move to something similar to 
> VFP.

If they want to move to something similar to VFP and minimise the transition 
then they might as well stay on VFP and possibly FoxInCloud. 

Move away from VFP or minimise transition, pick one. Even something like Lianja 
which supports VFP syntax to a large extent will involve significant retooling. 
X# isn't there yet for VFP syntax. Servoy is a Java web stack that you code in 
JavaScript. XoJo is BASIC-like. Don't forget LiveCode while we're at it. 

  Alan Bourke
  alanpbourke (at) fastmail (dot) fm

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