This sounds like a set-up type of question.

I would go in with the knowledge that they want to step away from VFP.  I
wouldn't give them a "with what" before you had the time to learn what it
does as well as what the owners want it to do.  This position is in
academia and they have an attitude about how things should go.  Are they
looking to go totally open source and do they want to operate in the cloud?

My take on this is that they don't a rats ass if the program is in another
version of X-Base, they just want it to work.

There should be no problem for making the interview.

On Wed, Mar 20, 2019 at 12:45 AM Kurt at VR-FX <> wrote:

> Hello there folks,
> I'm looking to get some feedback from the hive mind of this group. And,
> I will admit, I'm doing this kind of last minute. Too many things going
> on lately, and I have not had a chance to do my true due diligence! Such
> as thorough research via prior postings in this forum.
> So as some of you may already know, I had a first interview for a
> programmer job at UCLA. The second interview is coming up, it's supposed
> to be this Thursday, but I might try to postpone until Friday. Too much
> stuff going on in my life lately, including doing 2 different part time
> jobs and an extended relative who passed away recently, that's the
> reason I'm going down to LA for an in-person interview, since the last
> interview I did via Skype.
> It looks like UCLA really wants to move away from Foxpro, as they know
> it's a dead language. But, they want to move to something similar to
> VFP. I suspect its also because the 1 and only programmer there, who's
> been there for like 30 years and may be retiring soon - doesn't want to
> learn something Totally new. And, also wants to minimize the transition!
> They are asking me to propose what I think is the best option. They have
> mentioned several options such as Fox-in-Cloud, the Alpha software, and
> even Servoy. They did not bring up things like Lianja, XoJo, or X# the
> open source X-base language.
> I know that Fox-in-Cloud even offers a type of Conversion Assistant -
> which looks really Great! But, once its converted and running in the
> cloud - I'm assuming that making updates to the system actually means
> programming in something that is not actually FoxPro - as I think its
> Javascript & HTML. But, I could be wrong - and am sure Thierry will
> correct me.
> There was also some recent discussion on X# which looked like a
> potentially great option. But, I heard that via the last posting - the
> FoxPro version of the code wasn't really ready yet!
> They also told me that they have already been working with Alpha SW -
> and in discussions with them for several months. Which makes me think
> they are already leaning towards Alpha. A quick review of old postings
> in this forum did not show a lot of discussion or users of Alpha. It
> would really be great to hear from some Alpha users!
> Anyway - any and all input would be greatly appreciated. I've seen
> Numerous discussions about a number of these technologies here in the
> forum over the years. But, honestly - I never truly got involved with
> any of them - until NOW!
> Regards,
> Kurt
[excessive quoting removed by server]

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