"The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48"
Habeas corpus Ha"be*as cor"pus (h=a"b-e*a^s
   k^or"pu^s). L. you may have the body. (Law)
   A writ having for its object to bring a party before a court
   or judge; especially, one to inquire into the cause of a
   person's imprisonment or detention by another, with the view
   to protect the right to personal liberty; also, one to bring
   a prisoner into court to testify in a pending trial.
   1913 Webster



Leland Jackson wrote:

>The article that appeared in the Washington Post this morning, titled 
>"Justice Dept. Database Stirs Privacy Fears", should at the very least 
>give every American concern about their privacy.  I know the country 
>needs a single source that can be consulted and help coordinate the 
>efforts of the various branches of government like the DOD, DOJ, FBI, 
>CIA, NSA, and various law enforcement agency around the country, etc, so 
>everybody is on the same page, but such a system should not be without 
>diligent oversight by Congress, the Supreme Court, and American people, 
>and it should comply with the letter and spirit of the US constitution.
>I think the new Democratic Congress will try to bring "habeas corpus" 
>back into the legal process for those suspected of being "enemy 
>combatant".  I certainly hope so.  After all, this is America.
>Hal Kaplan wrote:
>>=> Subject: Re: [OT] Justice Dept. Database Stirs Privacy Fears
>>=> Are you a wise guy?  Very funny.
>>=> Regards,
>>=> LelandJ
>>No, Leland.  I was totally serious when I wrote that.  It reflects my best 
>>knowledge as of the time of writing.  If anyone has better information, 
>>please share it with us.
[excessive quoting removed by server]

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