=> Subject: Re: [OT] Justice Dept. Database Stirs Privacy Fears
=> If this has been going on for some many years, how do I get 
=> access to my record, if any, to verify its content is honest 
=> and correct?
=> Regards,
=> LelandJ

This is not an easy question to answer because the answer depends on your 
personal history.  That is one of the reasons why the new JusticeOne db is 
going to be an improvement; you don't need to know if the person in question 
has a military or criminal background or what state he lives in now or 
previously and all kinds of things like that.  

Until the new db is finished, the best thing to do is contact one of these 
online outfits that will work-up a dossier on anyone by searching all available 
databases.  Another way would be to do something that will force creation of a 
new file for you, like committing a serious crime (according to local law) and 
then having your attorney requesting the content.

Once you have the information, if you find something that you feel is untrue or 
unwarranted, you will have to deal with the specific source agency to determine 
what evidence is required to correct the error.  Just remember that there is no 
universally accepted definition of truth; only a preponderance of evidence for 
civil affairs and a reasonable doubt for criminal.

I hope this helps, Leland.


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