#16 Make Bill take his medicine.

#17 Make Bill wear his tin hat to block Dick Cheney
from getting into his mind.

#18 Blame the Illuminati and the Trilateral commission

#19 What does Edgar Cayce say about it?

#20 What about area 51?

#21 Don't leave Leo Wanta out of this equation

#22 Did John Wilkes Booth act alone or was he Jewish?

#24 Was Lee Harvey Oswald a Neocon

#25 Was Charles Manson a Neocon

#26 Is Elvis really dead?

--- Bill Arnold <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> 'To oppose everything while proposing nothing is
> irresponsible,' he says
> http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/16611409/from/RS.3/
> Okay then, here's a 15 point plan for those who say
> they oppose the war,
> but then can't figure out what to say when asked for
> a plan.
> 1. Put the neocon gangleaders on trial for war
> crimes in the World
> Court.
> 2. Reveal the tentacles and participants, and the
> complete list of lies
> and deceit used to pull of the invasion.
> 3. Exonerate the American and British publics from
> complicity in the
> plot, which they had no knowledge or understanding
> of (that is, they
> trusted their gov't to behave and perform on their
> behalf, when in fact
> that invasion was pulled off for the interest of a
> tiny band of
> "powerful" people).
> 4. Announce to the 1.3 billion Arab/Muslim people in
> the world that we
> were duped into this war, that we have come to terms
> with having been
> deceived, and that we will now dedicate ourselves to
> making amends for
> the damage inflicted on them.
> 5. Re-establish that we are societies based on
> justice for all, and that
> includes the many thousands of innocent Iraqis that
> this gang viciously
> slaughtered and mutilated in this gang's gambit to
> seize authority in
> the ME
> 6. Direct and fund the Veterans Administration to do
> what it takes to
> heal the wounds inflicted on our soldiers to the
> greatest extent
> possible. 
> 7. Re-establish that we are in fact a democracy, and
> that we, not any
> well-connected/organized/privileged group, rule this
> country.
> 8. Shine the spotlight on the media barons and their
> complicity in
> drumming up the war in direct violation of the
> public trust; with the
> objective of gutting and replacing, once and for
> all, how our
> information supply works.
> 9. Institute a 10-year energy campaign to
> significantly reduce our
> dependency on foreign oil using all of the
> creativity and devices that
> our engineers are fully capable of working with. 
> 10. Immediately turn over the Israel/Palestine
> problem to the UN for
> resolution, and support the UN's decisions.
> 11. Completely withdraw our military from the ME.
> 12. Integrate our military with UN forces for mutual
> protection from
> terrorism and wmd's, and to achieve nuclear
> disarmament.
> 13. Re-arrange our foreign policies to place relief
> from suffering as
> our highest priority
> 14. Approach the world's problems with benevolence,
> not greed, as the
> driving force.
> 15. Implement an election system that eliminates
> special-interest money
> from the equation.
> Bill
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