Come onnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn Virgil, would you let other countries pursue their
economic interests freely without US intervening? OK, maybe you would, but
US elites wouldn't.

It's not so simple as that. Reality is a big mess.

On 1/14/07, Virgil Bierschwale <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> For what its worth, I don't disagree with some of your points and I'm
> willing to pull everybody out of iraq immediately IF these things are
> done:
> 1. We fire all of the CIA people and prohibit them from holding office in
> any agency that would allow them to meddle in foreign affairs.
> 2. We immediately pull all of our people out of every country that does
> not
> want us.
> 3. We make it a policy that we do not meddle in foreign affairs
> 4. We make it a policy that we do not attack anybody, but that we will
> defend ourselves vigorously if attacked, using everything we have at our
> disposal.
> 5. When our politicians and others start complaining that a foreign
> countrys
> dictator is killing his people, we refer them to rules 2, 3 and 4 and we
> abide by them.
> Virgil Bierschwale

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