Sorry to be late on this thread. I've been keeping track on it though and
I'll give the "loop" and associated running problems a look this evening to
see if I can sort anything out.

Dave Crozier

-----Original Message-----
Of Bill Arnold
Sent: 16 January 2007 16:30
To: 'ProFox Email List'
Subject: RE: [NF] IE7 and MS Virtual Earth Mapping conflict with FireFox

> >Lessons learned:
> >
> >1. FireFox cannot be running when the mapping service is accessed
> >IE7 is installed). 2. It seems that having (temporarily) made IE7 the

> >default browser was a factor in solving this

> Why the hell are people still using IE????

Good question, especially since he (and I) use FireFox instead. I don't
know what possessed him to download/install IE7, but that's what he did.
When this problem started, something made me ask about whether he had
recently installed IE7, and that was the case, so we knew that was a
factor in this problem - but it wasn't until he had the idea to try
making it the default browser that we noticed the effect it had.

Seems the story doesn't end there - he now informs me that map
retrievals are timing out where they weren't before.

Dave G., if you catch this - I see this test in your code to loop until
the map is ready, but it seems that it doesn't work?

Do While thisform.oMap.ReadyState<>4

> Better lesson learned: get the hell away from MS stuff!

MS likes dependencies! That whole thing about not being able to separate
IE from the OS is a big one.


> -Charlie 

[excessive quoting removed by server]

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