You're right.  It was the white TRADE unions** who were keeping out 
those "others".  I was stretching an argument when I didn't have to.  
Silly me.  :-)

Hmmm, are lives at risk from bad BUSINESS programming "practices"?  I 
can see where lives could be at risk from programmers who write process 
control programs for nucular power plants or automobiles.  Interesting 
question, eh? 


PS: No matter, m$ is still evil -- there I brought it back on-topic...

** We need ONE BIG UNION of all of the working class or we'll just 
continue to all get screwed...

Hal Kaplan wrote:

>=> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Chet Gardiner
>=> And yet, still, 90% of lawyers and doctors are only 
>=> maginally competent at best...
>=> As for plumbers and carpenters -- "certification" is not 
>=> designed to weed out the incompetent but rather to raise the 
>=> bar for entry into lucrative professions to the favored few. 
>=>  In many cases, originally, it was to keep out the Blacks 
>=> and the Irish.  <s>
>=> Basic business skills are irrelevant to a good computer 
>=> program and, if you believe the many pro-m$ types, so are ethics...
>Chet, you are kidding, right?
>Plumbers are certified because the lives of people are at risk from bad 
>plumbing practices.  Remember that in most jurisdictions, plumbers also handle 
>natural gas installations too.  
>Carpentry certification is also based on public safety.
>The line about keeping out minorities is certainly true but the trade unions 
>are primarily responsible for that.
[excessive quoting removed by server]

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