On Jan 22, 2007, at 10:21 AM, Charlie Coleman wrote:

> But if you're suggesting he was 'Christian' I completely disagree.  
> No one
> can truly know what's in another's heart, but all I can say is the
> empirical evidence definitely does not indicate Hitler was a  
> Christian.

        I love the self-serving definitions. You declare what a Christian  
is, and anyone who doesn't fit that mold is by your definition not a  
Christian. Yet you cavalierly claim that Stalin was an atheist, yet I  
feel that all atheists respect human life, knowing that there is no  
afterlife, so there is no way that Stalin could have been an atheist.

        Hitler was raised a Christian, and was exposed to Christian  
teachings from an early age. He did not set out to destroy religion;  
only the members of one religion he used as a scapegoat for Germany's  
problems. He may not have been a model Christian, or even a half- 
decent one, and he certainly wasn't a follower of the teachings of  
Jesus Christ, but he was a Christian.

-- Ed Leafe
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