On Jan 22, 2007, at 8:13 PM, Ricardo Aráoz wrote:

> But of course. What's more. I never understood why do christians  
> get so
> angry when someone kills their children. After all they are innocent,
> they'll go straight to heaven. And this wonderful killer who  
> sacrifices
> his immortal soul in order to send all those kids straight to heaven
> should be treated right and with respect and thankfulness. Or don't  
> you
> believe in heaven? Maybe you'll tell me he should be punished for  
> taking
> what god has granted. But that's god's business, I think he's
> resourceful enough to manage without you. You on the other hand,  
> should
> be thankful with the killer for sending your babies to heaven.

        When I got married, it was a Catholic ceremony, since both my wife's  
family and mine are largely Catholic. A requirement for getting  
married in a Catholic church is attending a "pre-Cana" workshop,  
which is supposed to give you the tools for a successful Catholic  
marriage. On the subject of children, it was stressed repeatedly that  
once you have a child, your highest purpose in life was to ensure  
that that child's soul went to heaven. Didn't matter if they became a  
doctor, a President, or anything else; if their soul was lost, you  
had failed as a parent.

        Recalling my catechism from my childhood, I knew that baptized  
babies who died before the age of 7 were supposed to go straight to  
heaven, as they didn't have the capacity to distinguish right from  
wrong until that age, so they couldn't have sinned. It seemed logical  
at that point that the best solution was to have a kid, get it  
baptized, and then kill it. You might go to hell, but all those  
babies would be enjoying eternal happiness, thanks to you. Guess  
that's what happens when you add logic to matters of faith.  ;-)

-- Ed Leafe
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