Michael Madigan wrote:
> This "Good deeds" vs "saved by grace" argument is
> mostly moot because I can't think of anyone who was
> "saved by grace" and wasn't doing good deeds.

So if your 'big' brain can't think of it then it is out of god's power.

> Additionally, a Catholic doing good deeds is probably
> already saved by grace.
> The only time this comes into play is when an Atheist
> or pagan does "good deeds".  Here we have a paradox. 

Check out the meaning of 'paradox'. Maybe you'll get to figure what you
are implying here (or, considering your lack of manners, maybe you meant
to imply it).

> It will be up to God to decide what he does with that
> person.  Or another example is a miserable person who
> attends weekly services, then resumes his miserable
> ways.

Hey! Stop looking in the mirror!

> what constitutes a "good deed"?  Having an abortion,
> then volunteering at a soup kitchen doesn't seem to
> have any redeming value, unless that person has asked
> God's forgiveness for the abortion.  We know that
> every evil man has probably done good deeds.

Gloating over another human being's death is a good or bad deed?
Spreading hate feelings and words, is it a good or bad deed?
Laughing at other people's shortcomings, is it a good or bad deed?
So, I guess I'll convert on that last call. You going down for sure.

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