On Tuesday 06 February 2007 2:25 pm, David Crooks wrote:
> On Tuesday, February 06, 2007 1:29 PM Ed Leafe wrote:
> >     I love how some people only read half of something. They see a
> term such as "global
> >warming" and completely miss the 'global' part of it.
> >Sort of like the same brilliant minds who read the 2nd Amendment as
> guaranteeing the unfettered >right to keep and bear arms, completely
> missing the "well-regulated militia" part.
> Last I checked Albany, NY was on the same globe as other 'hot' spots!
> For true Global Warming, the whole planet would be getting warmer.  That
> is not the case and believe that the planet is in perfect balance.  Does
> that mean there won't be a problem if the ice caps melt and the oceans
> raise 10 feet?  If that happens Washington, DC will be under water.

Hi David!

DC is submerged now. In alcohol. Keeps the pols from drying out.


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