I've heard good things about the Zend Studio Framework, and php seem to 
be a hot language right now.


Also, Activestate's Komodo editor and perl seem popular.


Both of these choices provide the basics such as:

1)  Project Management.
2)  Version Control.
3)  Good editors with a full set of features to improve productivity.
4)  Method to package application for distribution including protection 
of the source code.
5)  Plenty of emphasis on applications that run over the Internet.



Alan Bourke wrote:
> Mike Wohlrab wrote:
>> If he has Visual Studio, then he can work in that for a place to program in. 
>> I
>> would suggest that he could start programming in HTML 
> HTML is a markup language for describing layout surely, as opposed to 
> being a programming language?
> I think starting out in development by tackling something like ASP.NET 
> or PHP or whatever is possibly too much of a learning curve. You have to 
> know about all the web design side, plus how web servers work to some 
> extent, and so on.
> I'd get him started writing little apps and games in RealBASIC or 
> something. He can get results onscreen quickly. That's the important thing.
[excessive quoting removed by server]

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