How did people do it before social security was
invented?  Were people dying in the streets? Were
people jumping out of windows?

--- "Leland F. Jackson, CPA" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> I suppose the Social Security system is also
> designed to control USA 
> citizens.  What do you think would happen if all
> citizens were required 
> to provide for their own retirement?  I hate to say
> it, but it would be 
> like throwing sheep to the wolfs, or as Eli Wallach
> said in the movie 
> "The Magnificent Seven", if God did not want them
> sheered, he would not 
> have made them sheep, ahy.  LOL
> Drug companies develops drugs that prevent thousand
> of death to those 
> who can afford them.  Drug companies usually patent
> these life saving 
> drugs, which gives them a monopoly over the lives of
> the afflicted 
> people.  They then extort moneys from those
> afflicted people by 
> withholding the drugs from anyone unable or
> unwilling to pay up.
> A universal health care system would level the
> playing field allow all 
> those who needed the drug to receive them, regulate
> prices so their is a 
> relationship between the cost to produce the drug
> and the price charged, 
> and run a system that systematically collect the
> money needed to keep 
> the health care system viable.  I have a hard time
> finding anything 
> wrong with this approach.
> Regards,
> LelandJ
> >> Not true, drug companies still develop new drugs,
> the government buys
> >> the drugs from the drug companies, they are just
> at a negotiated price.
> >>     
> >
> >   
> >> Glaxo Smith Kline, Welcome, Astra Zenica, Bayer,
> UCB etc all European
> >> drug companies all make profits all develop new
> drugs.
> >>     
> >
> >   
> >> Yes some drugs cost less than the $12
> prescription price but some cost
> >> more, you just pay a set price.
> >>     
> >
> > They wouldn't tell you that if they didn't want
> you to believe it.  The pharmacuetical business is
> amazingly complex and regulated.  Along with the
> regulation from the government is the fear of
> lawsuits by predatory lawyers.  Because of this,
> bringing a new drug online costs a rediculous amount
> of money, hence robbing the companies of the ability
> to recoup their costs in a timely manner would
> dampen the incentive to develop more new drugs.
> >
> > Having said that, I also believe they are greedy
> SOBs gaming the system.  However, without the profit
> motive, little of value would be accomplished in a
> reasonable time frame.  It has been said that a
> nationalized health care system would have the
> efficiency of the post office and the compassion of
> the IRS.  The temptation to keep costs down by
> delaying expensive care until the expiration date of
> the patient would be just too great for the
> bureacratic mindset.  
> >
> > As many problems as we have with our system, I
> would take it any day over one where some bureaucrat
> makes decision concerning my health.  Govt people
> think differently than normal people.  Take the No
> Child Left Behind Act (yeah, I know where it came
> from), in practice, it brings the class down to the
> lowest common denominator as teachers have to spend
> time pushing ropes with kids who don't want to even
> be in school and others who can accomplish something
> are neglected.  
> >
> > Govts are incapable of setting logical priorities.
>  Cancer and heart disease are far bigger killers
> than AIDS, yet because there is a whiny constituency
> for this disease, and they call anyone approaching
> the question without their emotional distress a
> bigot... politicians and charities cave in and push
> contributions to this type of research and treatment
> beyond what the numbers would call for.
> >
> > A pox upon all who would control us through the
> health care system.
> >
> > --
> > Larry Miller 
> >
> > --- StripMime Report -- processed MIME parts ---
> > multipart/mixed
> >   multipart/alternative
> >     text/plain (text body -- kept)
> >     text/html
> >   message/rfc822
> > ---
> >
[excessive quoting removed by server]

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