Ted Roche wrote:
> On Thu, Apr 10, 2008 at 10:53 AM, Whil Hentzen
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>  Thinking it was a tool for folks who weren't grown up enough to use
>>  MySpace or texting each other on their Barbie Cell Phones, I ignored the
>>  whole thing for a while.
> I'm still thinking that.
> I've got Pidgin (next-gen GAIM)  set up for one of my current
> projects, and while IM is generally useful, there can be annoying
> interruptions that break the Flow(tm) programmers need so much.
> Noobies who want their hands held instead of RTFM. Chatty folks who
> just want to send pointers to their latest joke find, six months old.
> One who wants to be My Friend (eww). Is Twitter better than IM?
> Differenter?
>>  I'm having trouble figuring out how to do several
>>  disjointed groups. IOW, a group of Fox developers, a group of local
>>  devs, a group of book authors geographically dispersed, that sort of
>>  thing. Anyone? Anyone?
> Looking forward to hearing more about this.

Looking at it before.  Thread here:

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