On Thu, Apr 10, 2008 at 1:34 PM, MB Software Solutions General Account <

> Whil Hentzen wrote:
> > <snipped>
> > Twitter isn't IM. I don't do IM at all, I've always felt it's like a
> > more intrusive version of email. (Getting a phone call from someone
> > asking if you got their email... that they sent 30 seconds ago.) IM is
> > an interruption.
> >
> > Twitter, OTOH, is a way to check on things^H^H^H^H folks while you're on
> > hold or listening to a voice mail where they haven't gotten to the point
> > yet.
> >
> >
> Just minimizing your IM window keeps the alerts from popping up for me.
> ymmv.
> <snipped>
> > Kind of like an unintentional 'Linked-in'. Don't know what to think
> > about that yet.
> >
> I don't use it, and I've linked-into other folks who've wanted me to,
> but I've never benefited yet from it.  Perhaps others have, but I
> haven't heard any stories (good or bad).  Perhaps someone here could
> post their success story with it if so?

Very diff tings here.  LinkedIn and Twitter.

so I went to Twitter and found a few people that were following me or I
could follow. Not sure who these people are but I'll can them if I need to.

Lots of dribble in the tweets.  One dude was having a hard time getting his
cat in last night.

Oh well.

Another today is getting her shopping done as a pre-storm ritual cause we
probably gonna have another tornado around these parts tonight.

Stephen Russell
Sr. Production Systems Programmer
Memphis TN


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