On Wed, Apr 23, 2008 at 6:14 PM, Rick Schummer <

> >> Is that why Microsoft is so lackluster? They are merely an army of
> yes-people that aren't going to speak up if they see something wrong?<<
> Paul, you and I have obviously must have met or know different people at
> Microsoft. I have not met a
> single yes-person, and in fact, I can say most of the softies I have met
> are rebels. And for the
> record, I know plenty of people outside of the Fox Team.

Same here.  Granted my knowledge is not at a decision maker, they are the
force that either comes in to fix your blues or to show you how you can fix
the blues you have with this or that from MicroSquish.

Those same people can wear Blue <ibm> or grey <deloitt etc.>

They are all hard working folk who can think and want to do the BEST for the
client.  More like a Miracle on 34th St. type of cater to the customer.

Stephen Russell
Sr. Production Systems Programmer
Memphis TN


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