> Of course not...I don't speak for him  ;)
> Let me rephrase - if we spent time trying to better the world through
> love as I think we're supposed to, we wouldn't have so much time to
> tell other people that they're doing wrong.
> http://www.cnn.com/2007/US/04/04/martin.jesus/index.html
> I know some will avoid the link due to CNN...but..it sums up some of
> my thoughts much more eloquently than I am capable of.
> J


I agree totally with your point about love. I have rather recently become
aware of the seductive influence of politics in my own life, as a
distraction from real involvement in helping real people.

It's a rather obvious realization once you have it. The Enemy is cunning to
use all manner of divisive issues, platforms, ideological positions,
outrageous goings-on in the news, etc., to keep people from seeking the
relationship with Christ that would certainly manifest itself in love and
charity instead of judgment. Not to mention have a real impact on the
sinners we are called to bring to Christ.

The devil doesn't care particularly whether ideas of the ostensible Left or
the ostensible Right seduce you---he is happy the minute you start putting
your "faith" in politics, or buying into all the fear tactics of this or
that bugaboo, because that means faith putting faith in man and human
institutions to "solve" the problem, which is, again, worship of the
creature instead of the creator.

With respect to judging, I also agree. The imperative to suspend judgment is
critical to bringing a person to the realization of the love of God,
particularly when you are, in a manner of speaking, ministering to them
one-on-one through a difficult time or whatever the occasion. 

We *must* reflect Christ's love and forgiveness, or they won't come to know
it any other way. This means, yes, all the good works associated with
service to fellow man--but to be clear, those alone won't save you or the
recipient of your kindness. 

The risk of focusing on good works is simply that the healing power of the
Word of God gets watered down into some sort of wishy-washy "social gospel"
of relief of physical needs to the exclusion of the spiritual needs. 

It's great to give the poor your money. But if that's all you do, you have
profited them and yourself nothing. We are not called to minister to the
flesh, but to the whole person: spirit, soul and body. This is what drives
the devil bonkers, and often he uses state-sponsored oppression to snuff it
out. On the other hand, all the godless dictatorships of the 20th century
obtained power by promising to minister to the flesh exclusively--free
healthcare/drugs, free education, free love, guaranteed employment, etc.
Sound familiar? 

So the dilemma is that if you do not exercise your right to vote for people
whose values you share, people whose values are the opposite will get
elected and change the laws to make them hostile to your ability to serve
God. It's a serious dilemma, and it's not made any easier by the fact that
many of the so-called "values" candidates are themselves deeply flawed,
unhealed, and often unrepentant sinners. 

We want to believe them because they speak to our convictions, but then they
stab us in the back as soon as they get in office and everything they do
makes a joke of our convictions. They are in a way worse than the ones who
come out openly and oppose us.

Anyway, all of this by way of saying that being kind, loving and not judging
of others really the ticket. I am striving to be less judgmental. Certainly,
in one-on-one scenarios, this is actually quite easy. When you learn to see
the "whole person" and the Spirit fills you with compassion for them, it's
rather hard to be judgmental--especially if you are honest about your own
sinful nature and past.

But healthy expression of outrage and sadness at what is wrong with society
and the law is a good thing too--as long as the law doesn't become an object
of worship, and cause us to take our eyes off the real task, which is to win
souls, not elections.

- Bob

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